Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Chushingura

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忠臣蔵 仮名手本忠臣蔵
alternative words: Chushin gura, Katatehon Chushingura
keywords: event , theater
related topics: Edo period , Muromachi period , Kabuki , Edo , Harakiri , Kaieki
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Joruri and Kbuki play piece based on a real event: during the preparation of an imperial reception at Edo castle, a dispute broken out but Asano Naganori failed to kill Kira Yoshinaka. The usage of sabers being banned inside the castle, Naganori was condemned to harakiri and his feud suppressed (kaieki). Next year, his followers, led by Oishi Kuranosuke revenged the death of Naganori by killing Yoshinaka. Thought it happened during Edo period, the play was adapted to Muromachi period.

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