Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Komei

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Emperor Komei

alternative words: Komei tenno, Komei tennou, Emperor Koumei, Koumei tenno, Koumei tennou
keywords: emperor , famous person , meiji revolution
related topics: Bakumatsu , Meiji revolution , Edo Shogunate , Emperor Meiji , Sakoku
explanation: 121th Japanese emperor. Born in 1831 as a son of Emperor Konin. Contrary to other emperors of Edo period, he refused to be a puppet and strongly criticized Edo shogunate after the abandon of 2 century old Sakoku policy in 1853. So he attracted around him many nationalists but accepted the reconciliation Tokugawa regime (Koubu gattai) by agreeing the marriage of his sister with 14th shogun, Tokugawa Iemochi. He died in 1866 due to smallpox but suspected to be poisoned.

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