Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Fujiwara no Sadaie

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Fujiwara no Sadaie

藤原定家 藤原定家
alternative words: Fujiwarano Sadaie, Fujiwara no Teika, Fujiwarano Teika
keywords: artist , famous person , poesy , writer
related topics: Heian period , Kamakura period , Shin kokinshu
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explanation: Poet of the late Heian and early Kamakura period. Born in 1162 as a son of Fujiwara no Toshinari, another poet. Since he participated to an imperial poetry party at the age 17, his reputation had never ceased to spread and he was appointed by Gotoba joko to a compiler of "Shin kokinshu" in 1201. His style, "ushin", i.e. "aesthetic sensibility" had strongly influenced the poetry of the next generation. His diary, Meigetsuki is an excellent source to learn aristocrat's life of the epoch. He died in 1241.

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