Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: General Nogi

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General Nogi

乃木希典 乃木大将
alternative words: Nogi Maresuke, Maresuke Nogi, Nogi
keywords: famous person , military man , russia
related topics: Sino-Japanese war , Russo-Japanese war , Boshin war , Edo shogunate , Meiji period , Emperor Meiji , Seinan war
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explanation: Japanese general, born in 1849 in Yamaguchi prefecture. After having participated to Boshin war against Edo shogunate in 1868, he studied military tactics in Prussia. Once retreated and become a farmer, he was called again to participated in Sino-Japanese war. During Russo-Japanese war, he commanded the 3th army to capture Port Arthur. Though he was not clever tactician, his fighting sprit formed the base of Japanese military doctrine. He committed suicide in 1912 after the death of Emperor Meiji.

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