Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Hojoshi

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北条氏 北条家
alternative words: Hosjo-shi, Hojike, Hojo-ke, Hojo family, Hojo clan, Hojo
keywords: family
related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Shikken , Hojo Tokimune , Hojo Masako
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explanation: Hojoshi is a sub branch of Heike family. They were so negligible that they didn't carry the name of Heike. But when Yoritomo had been sent to their fief of Izu as a political prisoner, their fate changed suddenly: one of their girls got married with Yoritomo, who later became Shogun. Becoming confidants of Yoritomo, after his death they seized the power of Kamakura shogunate by becoming Shikken.

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