Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Hyakunin isshu

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Hyakunin isshu

百人一首 小倉百人一首
alternative words: Hyakuninisshu, Ogura hyakunin isshu
keywords: game , poesy
related topics: Waka , Manyoshu , Fujiwara no Sadaie
related web sites: ,
explanation: Literally, "100 poets 1 poem" and correspond to a selection of the 100 most famous Japanese poets with 1 waka (31 syllable Japanese poem) each. There were many "hiyakunin isshu" but "Ogura hyakunin isshu" compiled in 13th century by a poet of Kamakura period, Fujiwara no Sadaie is the most representative. Since Edo period, man has played a card game which consists of guessing the lower part of waka by reading the upper part.

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