Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Japanese sword

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Japanese sword

alternative words: Nihonto, Nihon-to, Nihon to, Nihontou, Nihon-tou, Nihon tou, Sword, Katana, Swords
keywords: art , craft , thing , weapon
related topics: Heian period , Kamakura period , Muromachi period , Samurai , Masamune , Muramasa , Tsuba
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explanation: Japanese swords had been made first in the official factories. After a collapse of the central government at the end of Heian period, then samurai clans took powers in Kamakura period, the sword smiths of each region had competed to make their best. They are highly appreciated because of their artistic aspect and called "Ko-to" (old sword). After Muromachi period, the technique of fabrication had greatly improved and become industrial. The swords of this period are called "Shin-to" (new sword).

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