Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Judo

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柔道 柔術
alternative words: Judou, Yawara, Jujitsu, Jujutsu
keywords: martial art
related topics: Tatami , Aikido
related web sites: , , , ,
explanation: In ancient Japan, there existed a technique to fight without weapon. It was called Yawara (suppleness) or Jujitsu (art of suppleness). In 1882, Kano Jigoro adapted it to a sport for a youth's education. Since Olympic games of Tokyo in 1964, it has become an official discipline. The combat takes place on a square of 9.1m side covered with tatami mats and the goal is to throw away the adversary (nage waza) or grapple him (katame waza). Kodokan is the central organization of this sport.

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