Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Kokinwakashu

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古今和歌集 古今集
alternative words: Kokin-wakashu, Kokin wakashu, Kokinshu
keywords: book , poesy
related topics: Ki no Tsurayuki , Heian period , Waka
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explanation: Anthology of Japanese poems (waka) of the middle of Heian period. Created by an order of Emperor Daigo, it became the first of the imperial poem anthologies (Chokusen wakashu). The compilers were: Ki no Tsurayuki, Ki no Tomonori (cousin of the former), Oshikochi no Mitsune, Mibu no Tadamine. Containing about 1100 poems on 20 volumes and separated to 13 sections following the season and subject, its gracious and simple style has become a reference of the successive anthologies.

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