Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Kongo rikishi

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Kongo rikishi

金剛力士 仁王
alternative words: Konkou rikishi, Kongorikishi, Kongourikishi, Nio, Niou, Benevolent king, Vajrapani, Vajradara
keywords: buddhism , god
related topics: Buddhism , Kamakura period , Unkei
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explanation: Kongorikishi is a Hindu god who has accepted to become a guardian of Buddhism. He frequently appears 2 angry worriors at the gate of Japanese temples: Mitsushaku Kongo stands on the left and carries a thunderbolt stick while Naraen Kongo on the right with a saber. The statues created by Unkei and Kaikei and located at the south main gate of Todaiji temple are a master piece of Kamakura sculpture. Vajrapani or Vajradara means "thunderbolt stick holder" in Sanskrit.

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