Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Minamoto no Yoritomo

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Minamoto no Yoritomo

源頼朝 頼朝
alternative words: Minamoto-no-yoritomo, Minamotono Yoritomo, Yoritomo
keywords: famous person , shogun , war lord
related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Kamakura period , Shogun , Genji , Heishi , Minamoto no Yoshitsune , Hojoshi , Hojo Masako , Gempei gassen
explanation: Born in Genji family as the 3d son of Yoshitomo in 1147. His father having lost Heiji war, had been executed and young Yoritomo, forced to exile in Izu province. 20 years later, thanks to an aid of his father-in-law, Hojo Tokimasa, he had subjugated Kanto region and made Kamakura, his fief. Ingenious politician, he finally succeeded to eliminate Heike family and Oshu Fujiwara together with Yoshitsune. He became shogun in 1192 and died in 1199 after a fall from the horse.

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