Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Muramasa

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村正 右衛門尉村正 妖刀村正
alternative words: Uemonnojo Muramasa, Uemon no jo Muramasa, Cursed sword Muramasa
keywords: art , craft , famous person , weapon
related topics: Muromachi period , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Sengoku period , Japanese sword
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explanation: Sword smith of the late Muromachi period in Mie prefecture. By studying the swords, it was shown that there should have existed 3 generations of sword smiths who carried the name of Muramasa. They were characterized by a similitude of motifs on the both side and very popular during Sengoku period because of their sharpness. They became cursed swords of Tokugawa family because both the grand farther and farther of Tokugawa Ieyasu would have been killed by Muramasa swords.

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