Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Mutsu Munemitsu

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Mutsu Munemitsu

alternative words: Munemitsu Mutsu
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Sino-Japanese war , Shimonoseki treaty , Meiji revolution , Han , Sakamoto Ryoma , Seinan war , Ito Hirobumi
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explanation: Born in 1844 in a samurai family of Ki domain. He left his han very young and enrolled into Kaientai of Sakamoto Ryoma to overthrow Edo shogunate. After Meiji revolution, he carried out a tax reform as high ranking official but was jailed for a participation to Seinan war. After an amnesty, he entered foreign ministry and became foreign minister of Ito Hirobumi in 1892. He succeeded to modify an unequal custom treaty with Great Britain in 1894 and led the diplomacy of Sino-Japanese war. He died in 1897.

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