Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Nichiren sect

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Nichiren sect

alternative words: Nichiren shu, Nichiren-shu, Nichirenshu, Nichirenshu sect, Hokke sect, Lotus sect
keywords: buddhism , sect
related topics: Nichiren , Kamakura period , Kamakura shogunate
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explanation: Buddhism sect founded by Nichiren during Kamakura period. Because of no compromising attitude toward the existing sects and Kamakura shogunate, they had been greatly persecuted. When Nichiren's prediction on a foreign invasion had been realized, the sect became popular. After the death of Nichiren, because of a friction between disciples, it has been split to several sects. Namu myoho renge kyo (I take my refuge in the Lotus Sutra) is their precept.

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