Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Noh

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alternative words: Nou, No, Noh drama, Noh theater, Noh play, Noh dance
keywords: theater
related topics: Sarugaku , Kyogen , Muromachi period , Ashikaga Yoshimitsu , Azuchi Momoyama period , Shite , Noh mask
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explanation: Originated from an itinerant theater of Muromachi period "Sarugaku", it has taken the actual form thanks to artistic researches of Kan-ami and his son Ze-ami between 14th and 15 centuries. Many shoguns and war lords such as Ashikaga Yoshimitsu had appreciated and protected this art because of its simplicity. It is played with one or two masked persons on a small platform with virtually no decor, accompagned with chorus (hayashi). Shite is the main player and the director of Noh drama.

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