Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Nomonhan incident

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Nomonhan incident

ノモンハン事件 ノモンハン
alternative words: Nomonhan jiken, Halha incident, Nomonhan war, Nomonhan, Khalkhin Gol, Khalkin Ghol, Halkin Gol
keywords: china , event , russia , war , world war 2
related topics: Manshukoku , Guandong army
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: After a secret agreement, Russia created Mongolian people's republic and Japan, Manchukuo but the frontier had not been clearly defined and a border crash took place in summer 1939. First Japanese Guandong army beat the small Mongolian army but Russia sent the best mechanized divisions and beat severely ill equipped Japanese. Moreover Germany and Russia concluded no aggression pact in August, the idea to consider Russia as a potential enemy retreated and Anglo-Saxon replaced it.

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