Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Okakura Tenshin

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Okakura Tenshin

岡倉天心 岡倉覚三
alternative words: Okakura Kakuzo, Tenshin Okakura, Kakuzo Okakura
keywords: art , famous person , scholar
related topics: Yokoyama Taikan , Hashimoto Gaho
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explanation: Born in 1862 in Yokohama. When he was a student at Tokyo university, he met Ernest Fenollosa and decided to restore the value of Japanese art. First he entered the education ministry and organized a protection of old Japanese art. He founded in 1890 the first Japanese art academy, Tokyo bijutsu gakko. After the eviction, he founded Nihon Bijutsuin to synthesize Japanese and western arts with Hashimoto Gaho and Yokoyama Taikan then led Asian section of Boston Museum in 1904. He died in 1913.

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