Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Russo-Japanese war

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Russo-Japanese war

alternative words: Russo Japanese war, Russia Japan war, Nichiro senso, Nichirosenso, Nichiro sensou, Nichirosensou, Nichiro war
keywords: russia , war
related topics: Meiji period , Admiral Togo , Battle of Tsushima , General Nogi , Portsmouth treaty , Yamagata Aritomo , Oyama Iwao , Kodama Gentaro
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explanation: War between Russia and Japan provoked by a dispute on Korea and Manchuria interests. It began in February 1904 by a Japanese surprise attack on Port Arthur. Though numerically superior, before highly motivated Japanese troops, Russia lost Port Arthur in January 1905 and the naval battle of Tsushima in May 1905. The war ended by the signature in September 1905 of Portsmouth treaty: Russia returned back south Sakhalin and ceded south Manchuria interests to Japan.

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