Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Sanada Yukimura

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Sanada Yukimura

alternative words: Yukimura Sanada
keywords: famous person , war lord
related topics: Sengoku period , Battle of Sekigahara , Ishida Mitsunari , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Siege of Osaka castle
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explanation: Born in 1569 as the second son of Sanada Masayuki in Nagano prefecture. He adhered first to Toyotomi Hideyoshi by participating to the capture of Odawara castle. During the battle of Sekigahara, he adhered with his father to Ishida Mitsunari and bothered the troops led by Tokugawa Hidetada from their castle of Ueda. After the battle, he was expelled to Mt Koya. He participated then to the defense of Osaka castle held by Toyotomi Hideyori and died during an assault in 1615.

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