Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Shogun

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将軍 征夷大将軍
alternative words: Shougun, Seitaishogun, Seiitaishogun, Sei tai shogun, Seii tai shogun, Sei taishogun, Seii taishogun, Seii daishogun
keywords: shogun , title
related topics: Shogunate , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Ashikaga Takauji , Ashikaga Yoshimitsu , Tokugawa Ieyasu
explanation: This title had appeared during Nara period and means "Great general to conquer barbarians". As its name indicates, the title holder had a prerogative to recruit soldiers to subdue Ainu's revolts, but it was temporary once. Gradually it had transformed to designate a supreme chef of samurais without any relation with Ainu. Since Kamakura period, the title had become permanent and used until the end of Edo period. Shogun (=general) is an abbreviation of Seitaishogun.

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