Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Takadaya Kahee

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Takadaya Kahee

alternative words: Kahee Takadaya, Takadaya Kahei, Kahei Takadaya
keywords: famous person , northern territory
related topics: Ezochi , Edo period , Matsumae domain , Basho , Golovnin
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born in Awaji island in 1769 in a poor family. He became the richest merchant of Ainu's land (Ezochi) by opening a route to Etorofu island and was accepted in samuirai clan. Russians captured him as a retaliation of the capture of captain Golovnin, off the coast of Kunashiri island. During his imprisonment on Kamchatka peninsula, he learned Russian language and strove with Golovnin for a reconciliation of the 2 countries after his liberation. He died in 1827.

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