Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Tozama

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外様 外様大名
alternative words: Tozama daimyo
keywords: title , war lord
related topics: Daimyo , Edo period , Battle of Sekigahara , Koku , Fudai , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Sengoku period
explanation: Title given to daimyo during Edo period. They had allied to Tokugawa family since Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. Many had been competitors of Tokugawa Ieyasu during Sengoku period before he unified Japan. Though Tozama controlled large domains such as Maeda of Kaga with 1 million koku and Shimazu of Satsuma with 0,7 million koku, they were not allowed to participate to Edo shogunate's cabinet.

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