Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Urashimataro

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alternative words: Urashima-taro, Urashima taro, Urashimataro tale, Urashimatarou, Urashima tarou
keywords: mythology , tale
related topics: Muromachi period , Fudoki
related web sites: ,
explanation: History included in a tale book, "Otogi Zoushi" of Muromachi period. It tells the history of a man who saved a turtle bothered by children. Suddenly she transformed herself to a court lady and brought him to the sea palace. After months of stay, he wanted to return back to home. So she gave him a decorated box as gift but banned to open it. When he returned back to home, nobody recognized him. When he opened the box, he was caught by the time of 300 years and had died.

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