Online dictionary of politics and media in Japan: Jiminto

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自民党 自由民主党
alternative words: Jimin to, Jimintou, Jimin tou, Jiyu minshu to, Jiyuminshuto, Liberal democratic party, LDP
keywords: political party
related topics: Yoshida Shigeru , Hatoyama Ichiro , Sato Eisaku , Tanaka Kakuei , Nakasone Yasuhiro
related web sites: ,
explanation: After a merger of left and right socialist parties in October 1955, 2 conservative parties, Jiyuto and Nihon Minshuto merged, too in November and formed Jiminto (Liberal democratic party) with Hatoyama Ichiro as the first president. With a strong support of business circle and farmers, it played a major role in post war's Japanese economic revival, especially in Sato Eisaku's reign of 1964-72. Excepting for a short period between 1993-94, Jiminto has continuously stayed in power.

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