Online dictionary of politics and media in Japan: Minshuto

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alternative words: Minshutou, Minshu to, Minshu tou, Democratic party, Democratic party Japan
keywords: political party
related topics: Jiminto , Hatoyama Yukio , Kan Naoto
related web sites: ,
explanation: Political party formed in 1996 from dissidents of Jiminto and socialists in order to establish 2 party regime like USA and UK. It absorbed dissidents of Shinshinto in 1998 to become new Minshuto (party of 1996 is called now old Minshuto). The first president was Kan Naoto, and the 2d and actual president, Hatoyama Yukio. Due to its background i.e., a mixture of conservatives and socialists, there exists a strong divergence on the defense and foreign policy to follow among its members.

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