Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 't'

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category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: foolish, silly, stupid, senile, dote
hou, bou
呆か: oroka: foolish, silly, stupid <<<
呆け: boke: senile psychosis [dementia] <<<
呆ける: bokeru: grow [become] senile, dote, grow mentally weak <<<
呆れる: akireru: be surprised (jp.), be amazed, be dumfounded (by), be disgusted
呆れて: akirete: in amazement, in disgust
呆れて物が言えない: akiretemonogaienai: be struck dumb with amazement, be dumfounded
呆れた: akireta: surprising, amazing, disgusting
呆れた奴: akiretayatsu: damned fellow <<<
呆れたね: akiretane: Well I never! You don't say!
Kanji words: 痴呆

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: blow, sigh, ah
嘘: uso: lie (jp.), falsehood, story, fabrication
嘘の: usono: false, untrue, forged
嘘を吐く: usootsuku: lie, tell a lie [falsehood, story] <<<
嘘を吐け: usootsuke: Don't be silly! Nonsense! <<<
嘘を教える: usoooshieru: give (a person) wrong information <<<
嘘の様な: usonoyouna: implausible, improbable <<<
嘘の様な話: usonoyounahanashi: incredible story
嘘の塊: usonokatamari: tissue of lies <<<
嘘く: huku: blow <<< ,
Kanji words: 嘘吐き
Expressions: 嘘も方便 , 真赤な嘘 , 嘘発見器
synonyms: 虚言

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: wind, fart
屁: onara
屁を放る: heohiru: break wind <<<
屁と思わぬ: hetoomowanu: don't care a button [pin, straw] (about), make nothing of <<<
屁でも無い: hedemonai <<<
Expressions: 屁の河童 , 屁理屈 , 屁理屈を言う , 屁理屈を捏ねる , 屁理屈屋

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