Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 's'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: plant , finance    nb of strokes: 10
translation: foot, stump
株: kabu: foot, stump, stock (jp.), share, asset, monopoly, business, practice, goodwill
株を買う: kabuokau: buy stocks (of), take stock <<<
株を売る: kabuouru: sell stocks (of) <<<
株を持つ: kabuomotsu: hold shares <<<
株を遣る: kabuoyaru: speculate on the stock exchange [market] <<<
株で儲ける: kabudemoukeru: make money on the stock market <<<
株で損する: kabudesonsuru: lose money on the stock market <<<
株が上がる: kabugaagaru: The shares rise [go up], gain in a person's estimation <<<
株が下がる: kabugasagaru: The shares fall [crumble], lose in a person's estimation <<<
Kanji words: 株式 , 株主 , 切株 , 株価
Expressions: 優先株 , 黄金株 , 無償株 , 記名株 , 仕手株 , 成長株 , 上場株 , 権利株 , 主力株 , 投資株 , 自社株 , 銀行株 , 株バブル , グロース株 , バリュー株
synonyms: ストック

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: medicine    nb of strokes: 10
translation: breath, breathing, respiration
息: iki: breath, breathing, respiration
息をする: ikiosuru: breathe
息が有る: ikigaaru: show signs of life <<<
息が無い: ikiganai: show no signs of life <<<
息が荒い: ikigaarai: breathe hard <<<
息が切れる: ikigakireru: get out of breath, expire <<< ,
息を切らして: ikiokirashite: out of breath, panting, breathlessly <<<
息を吐く: ikiotsuku: take [pause for] breath <<<
息も吐かずに: ikimotsukazuni: without taking breath, at a breath [stretch] <<< , 一気
息が詰まるい: kigatsumaru: be choked [suffocated] <<<
息を殺す: ikiokorosu: hold one's breath <<<
息が合う: ikigaau: be in (perfect) harmony (with), understand each other <<<
息が掛かる: ikigakakaru: be backed up by (a person's influence) <<<
息の長い: ikinonagai: long-lasting, durable, enduring <<<
息の根を止める: ikinoneotomeru: choke (a person) to death, kill
息も絶え絶えに: ikimotaedaeni: panting for breath, gaspingly
息もつかずに: ikimotsukazuni: without taking breath, at a breath
息の有る内に: ikinoaruuchini: while one is still alive
息を引き取る: ikiohikitoru: breathe one's last
息を吹き返す: ikiohukikaesu: come to life, revive
息を切らす: ikiokirasu: gasp, pant, become out of breath <<<
息が臭い: ikigakusai: have a foul breath <<<
息を入れる: ikioireru: have [take] a rest <<<
息む: yasumu: take a rest <<<
Kanji words: 消息 , 喘息 , 利息 , 吐息 , 安息 , 休息 , 一息 , 溜息 , 息子
Expressions: 虫の息で , 肩で息をする
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: organs    nb of strokes: 10
translation: vein, nerve, sequence, succession
myaku, baku
脈: myaku: pulse (jp.), pulsation, hope
脈が速い: myakugahayai: One's pulse is quick <<<
脈が弱い: myakugayowai: One's pulse is feeble [weak] <<<
脈を取る: myakuotoru: feel a person's pulse <<<
脈を診る: myakuomiru <<<
脈が無い: myakuganai: be hopeless, There is no hope (left) <<<
脈: suji: vein, nerve <<<
Kanji words: 山脈 , 脈々 , 動脈 , 鉱脈 , 静脈 , 人脈

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: laugh, smile
笑い: warai: laugh (n.), smile, laughter, sneer
笑いが止まらない: waraigatomaranai: cannot stop laughing, cannot but gloat <<<
笑いを抑える: waraioosaeru: suppress a laugh <<<
笑いを招く: waraiomaneku: incur laughter, be laughed at (by) <<<
笑い出す: waraidasu: begin to laugh, burst out laughing <<<
笑い倒ける: waraikokeru: hold one's sides with laughing, laugh fit to kill <<<
笑い転げる: waraikorogeru <<<
笑い飛ばす: waraitobasu: laugh away <<<
笑う: warau: laugh (v.)
笑うべき: waraubeki: laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous
笑われる: warawareru: be [get] laughed at
笑わせる: warawaseru: let (a person) laugh
笑む: emu: smile (v.)
笑み: emi: smile (n.)
笑みを浮かべて: emioukabete: by [with] smiling <<<
Kanji words: 笑顔 , 可笑し , 冷笑 , 嘲笑 , 爆笑 , 苦笑 , 微笑 , 笑窪
Expressions: 忍び笑う , 鼻で笑う , 嘲り笑う , 愛想笑い , 愛嬌笑い , 笑い川蝉 , 御世辞笑い , 馬鹿笑 , 豪傑笑い

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 11
translation: work, duty, service, office, business
務め: tsutome: one's duty, work, duties, service, office, business
務めを果たす: tsutomeohatasu: carry out one's duty <<<
務めを怠る: tsutomeookotaru: neglect one's duties <<<
務めを辞める: tsutomeoyameru: resign [quit] one's post [situation], retire from office <<< , 退職
務める: tsutomeru: hold a post [an office] (in), be employed (in), serve (in), be in the service of
Kanji words: 外務 , 業務 , 総務 , 任務 , 財務 , 税務 , 刑務所 , 勤務 , 公務 , 法務 , 常務 , 職務 , 事務 , 義務 , 服務 , 債務 , 教務 , 内務 , 実務
Expressions: 役を務める , 議長を務める , 通訳を務める , 主役を務める

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 11
translation: fill up, prosperous (ext.), flourishing, thriving
sei, jou
盛: morimono: offering (for a god)
盛る: moru: fill up, serve in a dish, pile up (jp.), compose a drug
盛ん: sakan: prosperous, flourishing, thriving
盛り: sakari: zenith, climax, rut <<< 絶頂
盛りの: sakarino: in one's prime, in the bloom of youth
盛る: sakaru: become prosperous
盛りが過ぎる: sakarigasugiru: be past one's prime, be on the wane [decline], be no longer in one's youth <<<
盛りが付く: sakarigatsuku: (go to) rut, get on heat <<< , 発情
盛りが付いた: sakarigatsuita: in rut [heat] <<<
盛り上る: moriagaru: swell, rise <<<
盛り上げる: moriageru: heap up, pile up, stir up <<<
盛り返す: morikaesu: regain (one's power), recover (oneself), pick up, rally <<<
盛り込む: morikomu: incorporate, include <<<
盛り付ける: moritsukeru: dish up, dish out <<<
Kanji words: 盛岡 , 盛合せ , 盛花 , 繁盛 , 旺盛 , 盛況 , 盛大 , 目盛 , 酒盛
Expressions: 皿に盛る , 度を盛る , 薬を盛る , 毒を盛る , 愛欲盛んな , 季節盛り , 血気盛んの , 血気盛りだ
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 11
translation: advance, go forward, go up, raise, promote
進む: susumu: advance (vi.), go forward, make one's way (to, toward), make progress, improve, feel inclined to do, be interested in, gain, be getting worse, be in a worse condition, be promoted [raised] to
進: susunda: advanced
進める: susumeru: advance (vt.), put forward, promote, raise, stimulate, hasten, speed up
Kanji words: 行進 , 転進 , 前進 , 増進 , 先進 , 後進 , 昇進 , 促進 , 推進 , 精進 , 躍進 , 進化 , 進学 , 進級 , 進言 , 進行 , 進捗 , 進展 , 進入 , 進歩 , 進出 , 進撃 , 突進
Expressions: 自ら進んで , 位を進める , 調査を進める , 時計が進む , 一歩進む

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: administration    nb of strokes: 11
translation: allow, permit, grant, admit, sanction, consent, license, authorize, only, solely, merely
kyo, ko
許す: yurusu: allow [permit] (a person to do), grant, admit, sanction, consent to, license, authorize, can afford, forgive, pardon, excuse, exempt (a person from), release, set (a person) free, trust, confide in (a person), take (a person) into one's confidence
許せる: yuruseru: pardonable, excusable, permissible, tolerable
許せない: yurusenai: unpardonable, inexcusable, impermissible, intolerable
許し難い: yurushigatai <<<
許し: yurushi: permission (to do), leave, license, sanction, pardon, release, authorization
許しを求める: yurushiomotomeru: ask a person's permission [leave] <<<
許しを請う: yurushiokou: beg a person's pardon <<<
許しを得る: yurushioeru: get permission <<<
許しを得て: yurushioete: by permission of <<<
許り: bakari: only, solely, merely
許: moto: origin, source, beginning <<<
Kanji words: 許可 , 特許 , 免許
Expressions: 肌を許す , 溢れる許りの , 楽観を許さない , 発言を許す , 入会を許す , 事情が許せば , 休暇を許す , 予断を許さない

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: musical instrument    nb of strokes: 11
translation: flute, pipe, bagpipe, piccolo, flageolet
teki, jaku
笛: hue
笛を吹く: hueohuku: play (on) a flute <<<
笛吹けど踊らず: huehukedoodorazu: do not dance to a person's piping
Kanji words: 汽笛 , 警笛
synonyms: フルート

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: moral    nb of strokes: 11
translation: tender, sympathy, affection, mercy, compassion, benevolence, taste (ext.), flavor
jou, sei
情け: nasake: tender feeling, fellow feeling, sympathy, affection, mercy, compassion, benevolence, love
情けの無い: nasakenonai: unfeeling, coldhearted, heartless, unsympathetic <<<
情けを知らぬ: nasakeoshiranu <<<
情け無い: nasakenai: pitiful, wretched, miserable, lamentable, deplorable <<<
情け無い奴: nasakenaiyatsu: miserable fellow, wretch
情け無い事に: nasakenaikotoni: to one's sorrow [regret]
情け深い: nasakebukai: benevolent, charitable, compassionate, tenderhearted, sympathetic <<<
情けを掛ける: nasakeokakeru: show mercy (to), take pity (on) <<<
情: kokoro: heart (fig.) <<<
情: omomuki: taste, flavor <<<
Kanji words: 感情 , 陳情 , 苦情 , 友情 , 非情 , 愛情 , 欲情 , 表情 , 発情 , 人情 , 強情 , 同情 , 薄情 , 旅情 , 風情 , 情欲 , 叙情 , 事情 , 情勢 , 純情 , 情況 , 情事 , 情緒 , 情婦 , 情夫 , 情報 , 情熱 , 実情 , 無情
Expressions: 母の情 , 親子の情 , 親愛の情
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