Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'at'

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Direct access: 洒落 , 終焉 , 就業 , 秋波 , 週末 , 手中 , 出張 , 正午 , 詳細 , 招待


pronunciation: share   kanji characters:    keyword: beauty   
translation: joke, jest, witticism, pun, play upon words, humor, dandyism, foppery
洒落が巧い: sharegaumai: be good at jokes <<<
洒落を言う: shareoiu: crack a joke <<<
洒落者: sharemono: dandy <<<
洒落気: sharekki: passion for finery <<<
洒落気が無い: sharekkiganai: unconcerned about her [his] appearance <<<
御洒落: oshare: dandyism, foppery <<<
御洒落な: osharena: foppish, dandyish
御洒落をする: oshareosuru: dress [smarten] oneself up, prink (up)
駄洒落: dajare: poor pun, cheap [dull] joke <<<
駄洒落を言う: dajareoiu: make poor puns, crack cheap jokes <<<
check also 伊達 , ギャグ


pronunciation: shuuen   kanji characters:    keyword: life   
translation: death
終焉の地: shuuennnochi: place of a person's death <<<
終焉の際に: shuuennnokiwani: at death <<<
check also


pronunciation: shuugyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: beginning [start] of work
就業する: shuugyousuru: go to work, begin [start] working
就業中: shuugyouchuu: be at work <<<
就業者: shuugyousha: worker <<<
就業率: shuugyouritsu: percentage of employment <<<
就業規則: shuugyoukisoku: office [shop] regulations <<< 規則
就業時間: shuugyoujikan: working [business] hours <<< 時間
就業人口: shuugyoujinkou: work force <<< 人口
就業ビザ: shuugyoubiza: work visa [permit] <<< ビザ
check also 従業


pronunciation: shuuha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: sheep's eyes
秋波を送る: shuuhaookuru: make eyes at, ogle at, cast sheep's eyes at <<<


pronunciation: shuumatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: weekend
週末に: shuumatsuni: at the weekend
週末旅行: shuumatsuryokou: weekend trip <<< 旅行
週末旅行者: shuumatsuryokousha: weekender <<<
良い週末を: yoishuumatsuo: Have a good weekend! <<<
antonyms: 平日
check also 年末 , 月末


pronunciation: shuchuu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one's possession
手中に収める: shuchuuniosameru: take possession of, secure, capture <<<
手中に在る: shuchuuniaru: be in a person's hands, be at the mercy of <<<
手中に帰する: shuchuunikisuru: fall into a person's hands <<<
手中に陥る: shuchuuniochiiru <<<


pronunciation: shutchou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: official tour [trip], business trip
出張する: shutchousuru: go (to a place) on official business, make a business trip (to)
出張を命じられる: shutchouomeijirareru: be ordered (to a place) on official business, be dispatched (to) <<<
出張員: shutchouin: an agent, traveling salesman <<<
出張所: shutchousho, shutchoujo: branch office, agency <<<
出張店: shutchouten: branch shop <<< , 支店
出張先: shutchousaki: destination of a business trip <<<
出張中: shutchouchuu: on official business <<<
出張費: shutchouhi: traveling allowance, traveling expenses <<<
出張費用: shutchouhiyou <<< 費用
出張教授: shutchoukyouju: lessons at one's pupil's home <<< 教授


pronunciation: shougo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: noon
正午に: shougoni: at noon
正午頃に: shougogoroni: about noon <<<
正午前に: shougomaeni: shortly before noon <<<
正午過ぎに: shougosugini: shortly after noon <<<
synonyms: 真昼


pronunciation: shousai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: detail, particular
詳細な: shousaina: detailed, full
詳細に: shousaini: in detail, fully, at length


pronunciation: shoutai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: invitation
招待する: shoutaisuru: invite [ask] (a person to)
招待を受ける: shoutaioukeru: receive an invitation (to), be invited [asked] (to) <<<
招待に応じる: shoutainioujiru: accept an invitation <<<
招待を断る: shoutaiokotowaru: decline an invitation <<<
招待会: shoutaikai: reception, at-home <<<
招待客: shoutaikyaku: invited guest <<<
招待券: shoutaiken: invitation [complimentary] ticket <<<
招待状: shoutaijou: invitation card, letter of invitation <<<
招待席: shoutaiseki: reserved seat (for a guest) <<<
招待日: shoutaibi: day of invited guests, preview <<<
招待試合: shoutaijiai: invitation game <<< 試合

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