Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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Direct access: , , , , 宿 , , , , ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: question, inquire, give (ext.)
mon, bun
問う: tou: ask (a person a matter), question, put a question to, inquire
問い: toi: question (n.), inquiry
問いを発する: toiohassuru: put a question to (a person), ask (a person) question, ask a question of (a person) <<<
問いを掛ける: toiokakeru <<<
問い返えす: toikaesu: ask back, ask again <<<
問い質す: toitadasu: inquire (of a person about a matter), question (a person about a matter)
問い詰める: toitsumeru: cross-question, press (a person) for an answer
問れ: otozure: advent, arrival <<<
問: ton: wholesaler (jp.)
Kanji words: 検問 , 質問 , 疑問 , 問責 , 顧問 , 学問 , 問合せ , 拷問 , 問答 , 訪問 , 尋問 , 難問 , 問題 , 慰問 , 問屋
Expressions: 性別を問わず , 年齢を問わず , 責任を問う , 男女を問わず , 安否を問う , 民意を問う

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport , mechanics    nb of strokes: 11
translation: strong, robust, solid
kyou, gou
強い: tsuyoi: strong, powerful, mighty, robust, vigorous, solid
強い酒: tsuyoisake: strong [hard] drink
強い風: tsuyoikaze: strong [violent] wind
強い光: tsuyoihikari: strong light <<<
強く: tsuyoku: strongly, powerfully, firmly, hard, severely, violently
強める: tsuyomeru: intensify (vt.)
強まる: tsuyomaru: become strong, intensify (vi.)
強く成る: tsuyokunaru <<<
強さ: tsuyosa: strength, power, intensity, vigor
強がり: tsuyogari: bluff (n.), show of courage
強がりを言う: tsuyogarioiu, tsuyogarioyuu: bluff (v.)
強める: tsutomeru: strive, endeavor <<<
強いる: shiiru: compel, force
強いて: shiite: forcibly
強い: kowai: tough, stiff
強ち: anagachi: (not) necessarily, (not) always
強: kowa, tsutomu: pers.
Kanji words: 増強 , 強硬 , 強大 , 強調 , 強姦 , 最強 , 強度 , 強欲 , 強豪 , 補強 , 強化 , 強迫 , 頑強 , 強情 , 勉強 , 強烈 , 強壮 , 強制 , 強健 , 強盗 , 強力 , 強要 , 強気 , 強行
Expressions: 我の強い , 力が強い , 気の強い , 根強い , 船に強い , 意を強くする , 粘り強い , 自信が強い , 我慢強い , 我慢強く , 好奇心の強い , 無理強い , 刺激の強い , 強塩基 , 電流の強さ , 火力の強い , 性格が強い , 自惚れの強い , 個性の強い , 胃腸が強い , 忍耐強い , 忍耐強く , 強打者 , 視力が強い , 心臓が強い , 辛抱強い , 辛抱強く , 意志の強い

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: constant, banal, perpetual, eternity
jou, shou
常: tsune: usual state [condition], ordinary course of things, common usage, way of the world
常の: tsuneno: usual, ordinary, customary, habitual
常に: tsuneni: always, at all times, as a rule, customarily, habitually, constantly
常ならぬ: tsunenaranu: unusual, strange, passing, transitory, transient, unstable
常: tokoshie: eternity <<<
常: nami: common, banal
常: toko: constant (pref., jp.)
Kanji words: 無常 , 非常 , 異常 , 日常 , 庭常 , 通常 , 正常 , 常務 , 常用 , 常識 , 常習 , 常連 , 常態 , 常套 , 尋常
Expressions: 世の常 , 常得意

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 11
translation: lead, direct, percentage (bor.), rate
ritsu, sotsu, sui
率: wariai: percentage, rate <<< 割合
率う: shitagau: obey, follow, accompany <<< ,
率いる: hikiiru: lead, direct, manage
率: oomune: in general, roughly <<<
率: osa: chief, leader <<<
率: ritsu: percentage, rate
の率で: noritsude: at a [the] rate of, on a percentage of
率が良い: ritsugaii, ritsugayoi: show a good rate <<<
率が悪い: ritsugawarui: show a poor rate
率を高める: ritsuotakameru: raise the rate <<<
率を上げる: ritsuoageru <<<
率を低める: ritsuohikumeru: lower the rate <<<
率を下げる: ritsuosageru <<<
Kanji words: 効率 , 確率 , 能率 , 統率 , 率直 , 利率 , 建蔽率
Expressions: 兵を率いる , 増加率 , 就業率 , 楕円率 , 出生率 , 稼働率 , 円周率 , 発病率 , 出席率 , 欠勤率 , 拡大率 , 棄権率 , 感染率 , 防御率 , 預金準備率 , 貧困率 , 課税率 , 視聴率 , 打撃率 , 屈折率 , 成長率 , 膨張率 , 関税率 , 死亡率 , 回転率 , 保険率 , 就職率 , 離婚率 , 出産率 , 浸透率 , 投票率 , 割引率 , 支持率 , 普及率 , 消耗率
check also レート


category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: travel    nb of strokes: 11
translation: hotel, inn, accommodation, stay, sojourn
shuku, suku
宿: shuku: relay of horse (jp.)
宿る: yadoru: stay, sojourn, live, dwell
宿す: yadosu: let stay, [sojourn] conceive (a child)
宿: yado: hotel, inn, accommodation
宿を取る: yadootoru: put up (at a hotel), take up one's lodgings (in a house), stay <<<
宿を貸す: yadookasu: take in (a traveler) <<<
宿を探す: yadoosagasu: look for accommodation <<<
Kanji words: 下宿 , 宿泊 , 宿命 , 寄宿 , 雨宿り , 宿木 , 宿題 , 合宿 , 宿敵 , 原宿 , 新宿 , 宿直 , 宿場
Expressions: 温泉宿
synonyms: ホテル

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 12
translation: elephant, copy, law
shou, zou
象: zou: elephant
象の鼻: zounohana: trunk of an elephant
象る: katadoru: copy (v.), imitate <<< コピー
象: kata: form, shape, model <<<
象: nori: law, rule <<< , ,
Kanji words: 海象 , 現象 , 対象 , 印象 , 気象 , 象形 , 抽象 , 象牙 , 象徴
Expressions: アジア象 , アフリカ象 , インド象

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: cool, cold, poor, ignoble
寒い: samui: cool, cold, chilly
寒さ: samusa: coolness, coldness
寒がる: samugaru: complain of the cold, be sensitive to the cold, feel the cold
寒がり: samugari: person sensitive to [who quickly feels] the cold
寒がりの人: samugarinohito <<<
寒しい: iyashii: poor, ignoble <<<
Kanji words: 寒波 , 寒流 , 寒天 , 寒冷 , 寒気 , 寒帯
Expressions: 薄ら寒い , 肌寒い , 随分寒い , 寒さの所為で , 寒気団

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: unit    nb of strokes: 12
translation: measure, weigh, survey, fathom
soku, shoku
測る: hakaru: measure (v.), weigh, take measure of, survey, fathom
Kanji words: 推測 , 予測 , 測位 , 観測 , 測定 , 測量 , 憶測
Expressions: 血圧を測る , 胸囲を測る , 角度を測る , 距離を測る , 寸法を測る , 身長を測る , メートルで測る
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 12
translation: meal, food, eat
han, bon
飯: meshi: meal, food, boiled rice
飯の種: meshinotane: means of living <<<
Kanji words: 焼飯 , 赤飯 , 朝飯 , 昼飯 , 御飯
Expressions: 米の飯

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: mathematics    nb of strokes: 12
translation: break, smash, crack, split, chop, cut, divide, division (arithmetic operation)
割る: waru: break (vt.), smash, crack, split, chop, cut, divide, mix (with water), dilute
割く: saku: tear, split, rend <<<
割れる: wareru: break (vi.)
割: wari: proportion, percent, profit, allotment
割の良い: warinoii, warinoyoi: advantageous <<<
割の悪い: warinowarui: disadvantageous
割に合わない: wariniawanai: do not pay <<<
の割りに: nowarini: in consideration of, in view of, considering
割を食う: wariokuu: be placed at a disadvantage
割り切る: warikiru: give a clear solution (for), take a clear-cut attitude (on) <<<
割り切れる: warikireru: be divisible <<<
割り切れない: warikirenai: be indivisible, be unconvincing, leave some room for doubt <<<
割り込む: warikomu: cut in, wedge [squeeze, thrust] oneself in [between], break into, intrude into <<<
割り出す: waridasu: calculate, deduce, infer
Kanji words: 割符 , 割算 , 割譲 , 割合 , 分割 , 学割 , 割礼 , 割当 , 割烹 , 役割 , 割れ目 , 割引 , 割箸 , 割高
Expressions: 年の割に , 口を割る , 卵を割る , 票が割れる , 尻が割れる , 薪を割る , 水で割る , 戸別割 , 定員割れ , 場所割り , 仲間割れ , 仲間割れする , 胡桃を割る , 胡桃割り , 時間割

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