Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'at'

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Direct access: 請求 , 生命 , 切羽 , 瀬戸 , 選択 , 戦地 , 戦友 , 是非 , 前後 , 全然


pronunciation: seikyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: claim (n.), demand, application
請求する: seikyuusuru: claim (v.), demand, request, apply (for), ask (for)
請求に応じる: seikyuunioujiru: meet (a person's) demand, comply with (a person's) request <<<
請求通に: seikyuudoorini: as requested [demanded] <<<
請求額: seikyuugaku: amount claimed <<<
請求権: seikyuuken: (right of) claim <<<
請求者: seikyuusha: claimant, demandant, applicant <<<
請求書: seikyuusho: account, bill, invoice <<<
請求書を出す: seikyuushoodasu: submit [send in] a bill <<<
請求書発行: seikyuushohakkou: invoicing <<< 発行
請求書発行システム: seikyuushohakkoushisutemu: invoicing system
請求次第: seikyuushidai: on demand, at a person's request
請求払手形: seikyuubaraitegata: demand draft (bill)
再審を請求する: saishinnoseikyuusuru: apply for a new trial <<< 再審
synonyms: 要求


pronunciation: seimei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: biology , life , medicine   
translation: life, soul
生命の有る: seimeinoaru: animate, living <<<
生命の無い: seimeinonai: inanimate, dead <<<
生命を失う: seimeioushinau: lose one's life <<<
生命を狙う: seimeionerau: seek (attempt) the life of someone <<<
生命を賭けて: seimeiokakete: at the risk (hazard) of one's life <<<
生命に関わる: seimeinikakawaru: dangerous to life, life-threatening, extremely dangerous, perilous <<<
生命線: seimeisen: life line <<<
生命保険: seimeihoken: life insurance <<< 保険 , 生保
生命財産: seimeizaisan: life and property <<< 財産
永遠の生命: eiennnoseimei: eternal life <<< 永遠
check also 生物


pronunciation: seppa   kanji characters: ,   
translation: fixation of a sword guard
切羽詰まる: seppatsumaru: be driven into a corner [to a tight corner], be in a fix, be at a pinch <<<
check also


pronunciation: seto   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: strait, gut
瀬戸際: setogiwa: the last moment, critical moment, brinkmanship <<<
瀬戸際に: setogiwani: at the last moment, at a critical moment
瀬戸際外交: setogiwagaikou: brinkmanship <<< 外交
瀬戸物: setomono: crockery, china, pottery, porcelain <<< , 陶器 , 磁器 , 焼物 , セラミック
瀬戸物屋: setomonoya: china store [shop] <<<
瀬戸引: setobiki: enamel <<< , エナメル
瀬戸引の: setobikino: enameled
瀬戸内海: setonaikai: Inland Sea (of Japan)
check also 海峡


pronunciation: sentaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: selection, choice
選択する: sentakusuru: select, choose
選択に迷う: sentakunimayou: be at a loss which to choose, find it difficult to choose <<<
選択に苦しむ: sentakunikurushimu <<<
選択を誤る: sentakuoayamaru: make a bad choice <<<
選択技: sentakushi: choices (on a test) <<<
選択権: sentakuken: freedom of choice <<<
選択の自由: sentakunojiyuu <<< 自由
選択科目: sentakukamoku: elective [optional] subject <<< 科目
選択問題: sentakumondai: multiple-choice test <<< 問題
ソフィーの選択: sofiinosentaku: Sophie's Choice (an American film) <<< ソフィー
check also 選定 , 必修


pronunciation: senchi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: seat of war, (war) front, battlefield, battleground
戦地の: senchino: at the (war) front
戦地で: senchide
戦地に行く: senchiniiku: go to war <<<
戦地から帰る: senchikarakaeru: come back from the front <<<
check also 戦場


pronunciation: sennyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: comrade at arms, fellow soldier


pronunciation: zehi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: right and [or] wrong, propriety (of), without fail, by all means, at any cost
是非を論ぜず: zehioronzezu: whether right or wrong <<<
是非を弁じる: zehiobenjiru: distinguish between right and wrong <<<
是非とも: zehitomo: without fail, by all means, at any cost


pronunciation: zengo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: before and behind, before and after, around
前後する: zengosuru: be inverted [reversed], get mixed up
話が前後する: hanashigazengosuru: get confused in one's talk <<<
前後して: zengoshite: at about the same time
前後に動かす: zengoniugokasu: move back and forth <<<
前後を弁えず: zengoowakimaezu: undiscriminatingly, thoughtlessly, rashly, without thinking <<<
前後を忘れる: zengoowasureru: forget oneself, be beside oneself <<<
前後を通じて: zengootsuujite: from the first to the last, throughout <<<
前後を見回す: zengoomimawasu: look around
前後関係: zengokankei: context <<< 関係


pronunciation: zenzen   kanji characters: ,   
translation: wholly, entirely, totally, utterly, completely, perfectly, altogether, (not) at all
check also 皆目

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