Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 四角 , 仕方 , 色彩 , 資金 , 時化 , 嗜好 , 支度 , 仕立 , 失格 , 嫉妬


pronunciation: shikaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: square (n.), quadrangle
四角形: shikakukei <<<
四角張る: shikakubaru: be formal (stiff, starchy), stand on ceremony***** <<<
四角の: shikakuno: square (a.), quadrilateral


pronunciation: shikata   kanji characters: ,   
translation: method, way, how to do, means
仕方無く: shikatanaku: be obliged [forced, compelled]***** <<<
仕方無い: shikatanai: It cannot be helped, There is no other choice, Hard luck!
check also , 手段


pronunciation: shikisai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: color   
translation: color, tint, coloring, coloration
色彩豊かな: shikisaiyutakana: colorful <<<
色彩に富む: shikisainitomu: be colorful***** <<<
色彩に乏しい: shikisainitoboshii: be scanty in color <<<
色彩感覚: shikisaikankaku: color sense
check also カラー


pronunciation: shikin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: treasury, fund, finance, capital
資金が有る: shikingaaru: be in funds***** <<<
資金が切れる: shikingakireru: be out of funds <<<
資金が足りない: shikingatarinai: have not enough funds <<<
資金繰り: shikinguri: money management, management of the money supply <<<
資金集め: shikinnatsume: fund raising <<<
資金募集: shikinboshuu <<< 募集
資金難: shikinnnan: financial difficulty <<<
資金洗浄: shikinsenjou: money laundering
資金カンパ: shikinkanpa: fund-raising campaign
資金コスト: shikinkosuto: cost of funds <<< コスト
資金フロー: shikinhuroo: flow of funds, money flow <<< フロー
闘争資金: tousoushikin: strike fund <<< 闘争
コール資金: koorushikin: call money <<< コール
check also 資本 , ファンド , マネー


pronunciation: shike   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather , sea   
translation: stormy weather (at sea), poor catch (of fishes), business depression
時化る: shikeru: become stormy, rage (of sea), be depressed, be dull*****


pronunciation: shikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: taste, liking, fancy
嗜好に適う: shikounikanau: suit [be to] one's taste, catch [strike] one's fancy***** <<<
嗜好品: shikouhin: luxury goods, one's favorite food <<<
嗜好物: shikoubutsu <<<


pronunciation: shitaku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: preparation, arrangement
支度する: shitakusuru: prepare, make preparation, make [get] ready, equip [dress] oneself
支度が整う: shitakugatotonou: be ready***** <<<
支度金: shitakukin: wedding [outfitting] allowance <<<
支度品: shitakuhin: equipment <<<
支度部屋: shitakubeya: retirement [dressing] room
身支度: mijitaku: dress, outfit <<<
身支度する: mijitakusuru: dress [equip] oneself, prepare oneself (for, to do), get oneself ready (for, to do)
旅支度: tabijitaku: preparations for a journey, traveling outfit <<<
旅支度する: tabijitakusuru: get ready [fit oneself out] for a journey, make preparations for a trip [a travel]
check also ,


pronunciation: shitate   kanji characters: ,    keyword: clothes   
translation: tailoring, cut, creation
仕立の良い: shitatenoii: well-cut, well-tailored <<<
仕立の悪い: shitatenowarui: bad-cut, badly-tailored <<<
仕立下し: shitateoroshi: newly-made [brand-new] clothes <<<
仕立賃: shitatechin: sewing charges <<<
仕立物: shitatebutsu: dress to be made, tailoring, needlework***** <<<
仕立屋: shitateya: tailor, dressmaker <<<
仕立屋の店: shitateyanomise: tailor shop <<<


pronunciation: shikkaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: disqualification
失格する: shikkakusuru: be disqualified (for, from)*****
失格者: shikkakusha: disqualified person <<<


pronunciation: shitto   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: jealousy, envy
嫉妬心: shittoshin <<<
嫉妬心から: shittoshinkara: out of jealousy [envy]
嫉妬心を起こす: shittoshinnookosu: feel [become] jealous (of) <<<
嫉妬に燃える: shittonimoeru: be green with envy***** <<<
嫉妬する: shittosuru: be jealous (of), envy, be envious (of)
嫉妬して: shittoshite: jealously
嫉妬深い: shittobukai: jealous, envious <<<
check also 焼餅

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