Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 賛成 , 散髪 , 在宅 , 座席 , 嗜好 , 指示 , 姿勢 , 七十 , 失業 , 失言


pronunciation: sansei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: agreement, acceptance
賛成する: sanseisuru: agree, accept
賛成を求める: sanseiomotomeru: ask a person's approval <<<
賛成を得る: sanseioeru: obtain (win) a person's approval <<<
賛成側: sanseigawa: affirmative side <<<
賛成者: sanseisha: supporter, seconder <<<
賛成投票: sanseitouhyou: approval ballot
賛成演説: sanseienzetsu: speech in support of <<< 演説
check also


pronunciation: sanpatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: beauty   
translation: haircutting, haircut
散髪する: sanpatsusuru: have one's hair cut, get a haircut
check also 床屋


pronunciation: zaitaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house   
translation: being at home
在宅の: zaitakuno: at home
在宅する: zaitakusuru: be at home
在宅日: zaitakubi: one's at-home day <<<
在宅勤務: zaitakukinmu: telework, teleworking


pronunciation: zaseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel , show , sport   
translation: seat, place, pew, bench
座席に着く: zasekinitsuku: take (have) a seat, sit down <<<
座席を譲る: zasekioyuzuru: offer one's seat <<<
座席表: zasekihyou: plan of seats <<<
座席券: zasekiken: reservation ticket <<<
座席番号: zasekibangou: seat number
座席指定: zasekishitei: seat reservation <<< 指定
座席満員: zasekimannin: standing room only
check also シート


pronunciation: shikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: taste, liking, fancy
嗜好に適う: shikounikanau: suit [be to] one's taste, catch [strike] one's fancy <<<
嗜好品: shikouhin: luxury goods, one's favorite food <<<
嗜好物: shikoubutsu <<<


pronunciation: shiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel , grammar   
translation: assignment, instruction, direction, indication, order (n.)
指示する: shijisuru: assign, instruct, direct, indicate, order (v.)
指示を与える: shijioataeru: give instruction to <<<
指示を受ける: shijioukeru: receive a person's instruction <<<
指示に従う: shijinishitagau: follow a person's instruction <<<
指示板: shijiban: information board <<<
指示代名詞: shijidaimeishi: demonstrative pronoun


pronunciation: shisei   kanji characters: 姿 ,    keyword: body   
translation: posture, pose, carriage, attitude
姿勢が好い: shiseigaii: have a fine posture <<<
姿勢が悪い: shiseigawarui: have a poor posture <<<
姿勢を正す: shiseiotadasu: straighten oneself, correct one's carriage <<<
高姿勢: koushisei: haughty [high-handed] attitude <<<
高姿勢を取る: koushiseiotoru: act high-handedly, take a high-handed policy <<<
低姿勢: teishisei: humble [meek] attitude <<<
低姿勢を取る: teishiseiotoru: take a humble [meek] attitude, behave oneself humbly <<<


pronunciation: shichijuu, nanajuu   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 70   keyword: number   
translation: seventy
七十代: shichijuudai, nanajuudai: one's seventies <<<
七十番: shichijuuban, nanajuuban: seventieth <<<
第七十: daishichijuu, dainanajuu <<<


pronunciation: shitsugyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: unemployment
失業する: shitsugyousuru: lose one's job [work]
失業中: shitsugyouchuu: be [thrown] out of work [job, employment] <<<
失業者: shitsugyousha: jobless, unemployed (person) <<<
失業手当: shitsugyouteate: unemployment benefit, pay
失業救済: shitsugyoukyuusai: unemployment aid [assistance]
失業対策: shitsugyoutaisaku: unemployment counter-measure <<< 対策
失業保険: shitsugyouhoken: unemployment insurance
失業問題: shitsugyoumondai: unemployment problem
check also 無職


pronunciation: shitsugen   kanji characters: ,   
translation: slip [lapse] of the tongue, improper [indiscrete] language
失言する: shitsugensuru: make a slip of the tongue, put one's foot in it
失言を謝する: shitsugennoshasuru: apologize for on's slip of the tongue <<<
失言を取消す: shitsugennotorikesu: retract one's words

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