Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 's'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 19
translation: pray, wish, desire, beg, request
gan, gen
願: gan: wish, desire, beg, request
願が適う: gangakanau: One's prayer is answered <<<
願を掛ける: gannokakeru: make a vow (to a god) <<<
願う: negau: wish (v.), desire, beg, entreat, implore, petition, pray, request
願い: negai: wish (n.), desire, petition
願い下げる: negaisageru: withdraw a request [suit] <<<
願い出る: negaideru: make an application to (a person), apply (to a person for a thing) <<<
願いが叶う: negaigakanau: have one's wishes granted, have one's prayer answered, One's wishes come true, One's prayer is heard [answered] <<<
願いを聞き入れる: negaiokikiireru: grant a person's request
願いを聞き入れない: negaiokikiirenai: refuse a person's request
願ったり叶ったり: negattarikanattari: Everything has turned out in my favor <<<
願わくば: negawakuba: hopefully
願わしい: negawashii: desirable, preferable <<<
お願い: onegai: please
お願いします: onegaishimasu: please (pol.)
Kanji words: 祈願 , 出願 , 念願 , 悲願 , 御願 , 志願 , 願望 , 請願 , 本願 , 哀願
Expressions: 叶わぬ願い , 捜索願 , 辞職願 , 休暇願

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 3
translation: reach, get
及ぶ: oyobu: reach, come up to, amount to, cover, range (over)
及ぶ限り: oyobukagiri: every possible, to the best of one's ability <<<
及ばない: oyobanai: do not reach [extend to], fall short of
及ぼす: oyobosu: exercise influence over, cause
及び: oyobi: and, as well as
及びも付かない: oyobimotsukanai: be far beyond one [one's power], be no equal to (a person) <<<
及び腰に成る: oyobigoshininaru: lean over
及: to: together
及: taka, chika: pers.
Kanji words: 言及 , 波及 , 普及
Expressions: 累を及ぼす , 遠く及ばない , 言うに及ばない , 言うに及ばず , 被害を及ぼす , 影響を及ぼす

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: farming    nb of strokes: 4
translation: cut, clip, harvest, crop
gai, kai
刈: kari: harvest (n.), crop
刈上げる: kariageru: cut a person's hair short, shingle <<<
刈る: karu: harvest (v.), crop, cut, clip
Kanji words: 芝刈
Expressions: 髪を刈る , 草を刈る , 稲を刈る , 鎌で刈る , 柴を刈る , 兵隊刈り , 雑草を刈る , 坊主刈り , 羊毛を刈る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 4
translation: mutual, reciprocal, each other
go, ko
互い: tagai
互いの: tagaino: mutual, reciprocal, each other's, one another's
互いに: tagaini: mutually, each other, one another
互い違いに: tagaichigaini: alternately <<<
Kanji words: 相互 , 交互

category: only in Japanese   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: insert (jp.), stuff
込める: komeru: put into, insert, include
込み: komi: inclusion
込みで: komide: including, included
込む: komu: be crowded, be packed
込み合う: komiau: be thronged, be crowded, be jammed, be packed <<<
込み上げる: komiageru: retch, be filled with (emotion, anger), have a lump in one's throat <<<
込み入る: komiiru: be complicated, be intricate, get entangled <<<
込み入った: komiitta: complicated, intricate, entangled, elaborate <<<
Kanji words: 煮込 , 振込 , 申込 , 人込み , 税込 , 見込 , 追い込 , 植込み
Expressions: 住み込む , 折り込む , 折り込み , 逃げ込む , 付け込む , 盛り込む , 突っ込む , 押し込める , 擦り込む , 思い込む , 畳み込む , 溜め込む , 持ち込む , 叩き込む , 抱き込む , 打ち込む , 落ち込む , 頼み込む , 考え込む , 垂れ込める , 紛れ込む , 教え込む , 黙り込む , 忍び込む , 食い込む , 立て込む , 当て込む , 飛び込む , 踏み込む , 投げ込む , 走り込む , 売り込む , 放り込む , 嵌め込む , 座り込み , 座り込む , 流れ込む , 書き込む , 割り込む , 積み込む , 咳き込む , 眠り込む , 触れ込む , 織り込む , 繰り込む , 埋め込む , 飲み込む , 暴れ込む , 傾れ込む , 巻き込む , 乗り込む , 組み込む , 塞ぎ込む , 遣り込める , 送り込む , 吸い込む , 吹き込む , 包み込む , 差し込む , 詰め込む , 舞込む , 連れ込む , 張り込む , 払い込む , 払い込み , 駆け込む , 愛情を込めて , 税金込みで , 丹精を込める , 丹精を込めた , 丹精を込めて , 真心の込もった , 真心を込めて , 仕舞込む , 感謝を込めて

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fantasy    nb of strokes: 5
translation: predict, divine, occupy (conf.)
占う: uranau: predict, divine, tell a person's fortune
占い: uranai: fortunetelling, fortuneteller, palmist
占める: shimeru: occupy, monopolize
占めた: shimeta: I've got it! Capital! Thanks goodness!
占め占め: shimeshime
Kanji words: 占星術 , 占拠 , 占領 , 占師 , 独占
Expressions: 味を占める , 位置を占める , 一位を占める , 手相を占う , 王座を占める , 多数を占める , トランプ占

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: business , sport    nb of strokes: 6
translation: pay, supply, purvey, deliver
kyuu, sou
扱く: koku: thresh rice
扱き下ろす: kokiorosu: denounce, criticize (severely), cry [write] down, blame (a person) to his face, lambast <<<
扱き使う: kokitsukau: drive [work] (a person) hard, sweat (workers) <<< 使
扱う: atsukau: treat (jp.), deal with, receive, entertain, manage, conduct, work, handle
扱い: atsukai: treatment, management, handling
扱い易い: atsukaiyasui: easy to deal, wieldy <<<
扱い難い: atsukainikui: hard to deal, unwieldy <<<
扱める: osameru: pay, supply, purvey, deliver <<< ,
扱く: shigoku: stroke one's beard, jerk in and out one's spear, haze
扱き: shigoki: undersash, waistband, hard [severe] training, hazing
Expressions: 他人扱いする , 丁寧に扱う , 専門に扱う , 子供扱いにする , 寛大に扱う , 乱暴に扱う , 特別扱いする

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: look up, seek, respect, esteem
gyou, kou
仰ぐ: aogu: look up, seek, respect, esteem
仰る: aoru: drink (by looking up)
仰せ: oose: wishes, instructions
仰せに従って: oosenishitagatte: in obedience to a person's wishes [instructions] <<<
仰せの通です: oosenotooridesu: You are [That's] right, Certainly sir <<<
Kanji words: 仰向 , 信仰 , 仰天
Expressions: 天を仰ぐ , 毒薬を仰ぐ , 指図を仰ぐ , 裁可を仰ぐ

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: justice    nb of strokes: 6
translation: punishment, penalty, sentence, law, rule
kei, gyou
刑を科する: keiokasuru: condemn (a person) to a penalty, sentence (v.) <<<
刑に処する: keinishosuru <<<
刑に服する: keinihukusuru: serve [submit to] one's sentence <<<
刑: nori: law, order, rule <<< ,
刑: shioki: punishment, penalty, sentence (n.) <<< 仕置
刑る: kubikiru: decapitate
Kanji words: 減刑 , 刑事 , 刑法 , 処刑 , 流刑 , 刑期 , 死刑 , 刑務所
Expressions: 終身刑 , 刑の軽減 , 刑を軽減する , 罰金刑 , 刑を執行する

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 6
translation: skin, complexion
肌: hada: skin, complexion, character, temper
肌が美しい: hadagautsukushii: have a clear [fair] skin <<<
肌を脱ぐ: hadaonugu: strip oneself to the waist, bare one's shoulders <<<
肌が合う: hadagaau: be congenial (to one), can get on well (with a person) <<<
肌が合わない: hadagaawanai: be uncongenial (to one), cannot get on well (with a person) <<<
肌を許す: hadaoyurusu: give oneself (up) to (a man) <<<
肌寒い: hadazamui: chilly <<<
Kanji words: 肌着 , 鳥肌 , 素肌 , 肌触 , 肌身
Expressions: 親分肌の , 豪傑肌の

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