Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: 崩壊 , 封建 , 法定 , 補欠 , 保険 , 保護 , 発作 , 本能 , 本来 , 暴力


pronunciation: houkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster , physics   
translation: collapse (n.), fall, break-down, disintegration
崩壊する: houkaisuru: collapse (v.), fall [break] down, give way, disintegrate
崩壊家庭: houkaikatei: family torn apart by violence, broken family <<< 家庭
土砂崩壊: doshahoukai: washout, landslide <<< 土砂
アルファ崩壊: arufahoukai: alpha decay <<< アルファ
ベータ崩壊: beetahoukai: beta decay <<< ベータ
バブルの崩壊: baburunohoukai: bubble collapse <<< バブル
check also 倒壊


pronunciation: houken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: land distribution by suzerain
封建的: houkenteki: feudal, feudalistic, medieval, old-fashioned <<<
封建時代: houkenjidai: feudal age <<< 時代
封建制度: houkenseido: feudal system <<< 制度
封建主義: houkenshugi: feudalism <<< 主義
封建思想: houkenshisou: feudalistic idea <<< 思想
check also 中世


pronunciation: houtei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: legality
法定の: houteino: legal, fixed by law
法定数: houteisuu: quorum <<<
法定価格: houteikakaku: legal price <<< 価格
法定利率: houteiriritsu: legal rate of interest <<< 利率
法定通貨: houteitsuuka: lawful money, legal tender, functional currency <<< 通貨
法定相続人: houteisouzokunin: legal heir
法定代理人: houteidairinin: legal representative


pronunciation: hoketsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: supplement, substitute, alternate
補欠の: hoketsuno: supplementary, substituted
補欠入学する: hoketsunyuugakusuru: be admitted into the school to fill up a vacancies <<< 入学
補欠選挙: hoketsusenkyo: special election, by-election <<< 選挙
補欠選手: hoketsusenshu: substitute player, reserve <<< 選手
補欠募集: hoketsuboshuu: invitation (of students) for filling vacancies <<< 募集
補欠募集する: hoketsuboshuusuru: invite (students) to fill vacancies


pronunciation: hoken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , car   
translation: insurance, assurance
保険を掛ける: hokennokakeru: insure, assure, cover <<<
保険を付ける: hokennotsukeru <<<
保険を解約する: hokennokaiyakusuru: surrender an insurance policy <<< 解約
保険金: hokenkin: insurance money <<<
保険料: hokenryou: insurance premium <<<
保険率: hokenritsu: premium rate, insurance rate <<<
保険会社: hokengaisha: insurance company <<< 会社
保険業者: hokengyousha: insurer, underwriter <<< 業者
保険金額: hokenkingaku: amount [sum] insured <<< 金額
保険証書: hokenshousho: insurance policy <<< 証書
保険契約: hokenkeiyaku: contract of insurance <<< 契約
保険事故: hokenjiko: insurance case, insured event, event covered by insurance <<< 事故
被保険者: hihokensha: insured person, insurant
自動車保険: jidoushahoken: automobile insurance <<< 自動車
終身保険: shuushinhoken: straight (whole) life insurance <<< 終身
盗難保険: tounantohoken: burglary insurance <<< 盗難
労災保険: rousaihoken: workmen's accident compensation insurance <<< 労災
失業保険: shitsugyouhoken: unemployment insurance <<< 失業
海上保険: kaijouhoken: marine insurance <<< 海上
介護保険: kaigohoken: nursing care insurance <<< 介護
火災保険: kasaihoken: fire insurance <<< 火災
医療保険: iryouhoken: medical care insurance <<< 医療
相互保険: sougohoken: mutual insurance <<< 相互
運送保険: unsouhoken: transport insurance <<< 運送
災害保険: saigaihoken: disaster insurance <<< 災害
損害保険: songaihoken: insurance against loss <<< 損害
簡易保険: kannihoken: post-office life insurance <<< 簡易
養老保険: yourouhoken: old-age insurance <<< 養老
健康保険: kenkouhoken: health insurance <<< 健康
国民保険: kokuminhoken: social security, national health insurance <<< 国民
生命保険: seimeihoken: life insurance <<< 生命
ボランティア保険: borantiahoken: volunteer insurance <<< ボランティア


pronunciation: hogo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , nature   
translation: protection, conservation
保護する: hogosuru: protect, guard
保護を受ける: hogooukeru: be protected by, be under a person's protection <<<
保護を求める: hogoomotomeru: ask a protection, seek sanctuary <<<
保護者: hogosha: curator, custodian, protector, guardian, tutor <<<
保護国: hogokoku: protectorate <<<
保護領: hogoryou <<<
保護林: hogorin: preserved forest <<<
保護色: hogoshoku: protective color [coloring] <<<
保護鳥: hagochou: protected bird <<<
保護関税: hogokanzei: protective duty <<< 関税
保護貿易: hogoboueki: protected [protective] trade <<< 貿易
生活保護: seikatsuhogo: welfare <<< 生活
山林保護: sanrinhogo: forest conservancy <<< 山林
資源を保護する: shigennohogosuru: conserve natural resources <<< 資源
少年保護: shounenhogo: youth welfare <<< 少年
自然保護: shizenhogo: conservancy, nature conservation <<< 自然
人権保護: jinkenhogo: protection of human rights <<< 人権
森林保護: shinrinhogo: forest protection <<< 森林
環境保護: kankyouhogo: environment protection, climate protection <<< 環境
プライバシー保護: puraibashiihogo: privacy protection <<< プライバシー
データ保護: deetahogo: data protection <<< データ
check also 援護 , 擁護 , 庇護


pronunciation: hossa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: fit, spasm, paroxysm
発作的: hossateki: fitful, spasmodic, convulsive <<<
発作的に: hossatekini: by fits (and starts), spasmodically, convulsively
発作を起す: hossaookosu: have a fit (of) <<<
喘息発作: zensokuhossa: attack of asthma <<< 喘息
卒中発作: sotchuuhossa: attack of apoplexy <<< 卒中
心臓発作: shinzouhossa: heart attack <<< 心臓


pronunciation: honnnou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: animal   
translation: instinct
本能的: honnnouteki: instinctive <<<
本能的に: honnnoutekini: instinctively, by [from] instinct
種族本能: shuzokuhonnnou: racial instinct <<< 種族
群集本能: gunshuuhonnnou: herd instinct <<< 群集
帰還本能: kikanhonnnou: homing instinct <<< 帰還
自衛本能: jieihonnnou: instinct of self-defense <<< 自衛
遊戯本能: yuugihonnnou: play instinct <<< 遊戯


pronunciation: honrai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: originally, from the first, essentially, fundamentally, in itself, naturally, by nature
本来の: honraino: original, essential, natural, proper
本来から言えば: honraikaraieba: properly speaking <<<


pronunciation: bouryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: violence, outrage
暴力で: bouryokude: by force
暴力的: bouryokuteki: violent <<<
暴力に訴える: bouryokuniuttaeru: resort to violence (force) <<<
暴力を加える: bouryokuokuwaeru: lay violent hands <<<
暴力を振るう: bouryokuouruu: use violence <<<
暴力団: bouryokudan: gang <<<
暴力行為: bouryokukoui: act of violence <<< 行為
暴力犯罪: bouryokuhanzai: violent crime <<< 犯罪
暴力革命: bouryokukakumei: violent revolution <<< 革命
校内暴力: kounaibouryoku: violence in the classroom, student [school] violence <<< 校内

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