Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'all'

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Direct access: 一層 , 一体 , 大凡 , 皆目 , 片端 , 家内 , 科目 , 仮初 , 究極 , 器用


pronunciation: issou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: a layer, much [still, all the] more
一層精を出す: issouseiodasu: work harder


pronunciation: ittai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one body, in fact, really, properly speaking, (what, who, where) on earth [in the world], (what) the hell [deuce]
一体に: ittaini: generally (speaking), on the whole, as a rule
一体と成って: ittaitonatte: in a body, together <<<
一体如何したのだ: ittaidoushitanoda: What is it all about? What the deuce is the matter? <<< 如何
一体化: ittaika: unification <<<
一体化する: ittaikasuru: unify
一体感: ittaikan: sense of togetherness <<<
三位一体: sanmiittai: Trinity <<< 三位
三位一体の: sanmiittaino: Trinitarian <<< 三位
check also 団結


pronunciation: ooyoso   kanji characters: ,   
translation: about, nearly, in round number, around, quite, entirely, (not) at all
大凡の: ooyosono: rough, approximate
大凡の数: ooyosonokazu: approximate number <<<
大凡の所: ooyosonotokoro: taking it by and large, roughly speaking <<<
大凡の見積: ooyosonomitsumori: rough estimate <<< 見積


pronunciation: kaimoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: entirely, utterly
皆目分からない: kaimokuwakaranai: I understand nothing, I don't understand at all <<<
皆目見当が付かない: kaimokukentougatsukanai: can't make it out at all
check also 全然


pronunciation: katahashi, katappashi, katawa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position , medicine   
translation: one edge [end, side], deformity, mal-formation, deformed [maimed, disabled] person, cripple, odd [incomplete] set
片端から: katahashikara, katappashikara: one by one, one after another, one and all
片端に寄る: katahashiniyoru: step aside <<<
片端の: katawano: deformed, maimed, lame, disabled, crippled, odd
check also 片側


pronunciation: kanai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family , house   
translation: housewife, household (n.)
家内の: kanaino: domestic, household (a.)
家内中: kanaijuu: whole family, all the family <<<
家内一同: kanaiichidou
家内工業: kanaikougyou: domestic [household] industry <<< 工業
家内労働: kanairoudou: domestic [household] labor <<< 労働
家内安全: kanaianzen: domestic peace <<< 安全
check also , 家族 , 女房


pronunciation: kamoku   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 課目   keyword: school   
translation: subject, course, curriculum
全科目: zenkamoku: all the subjects, whole course <<<
必修科目: hisshuukamoku: compulsory course, required course [subject] <<< 必修
選択科目: sentakukamoku: elective [optional] subject <<< 選択
試験科目: shikenkamoku: subject for examination <<< 試験
教養科目: kyouyoukamoku: culture subjects, liberal arts and science <<< 教養
専攻科目: senkoukamoku: special study, major <<< 専攻
受験科目: jukenkamoku: subjects of examination <<< 受験
check also 課題


pronunciation: karisome   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 苟且  
translation: slightness, triviality
仮初の: karisomeno: slight, trivial, temporary, transient
仮初にする: karisomenisuru: slight (v.), make light [little] of
仮初にも: karisomenimo: at all, ever


pronunciation: kyuukyoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: ultima, best of the best
究極の: kyuukyokuno: ultimate, supreme
究極の所: kyuukyokunotokoro: in the end, after all, finally <<<
究極に於いて: kyuukokunioite <<<


pronunciation: kiyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: ingenuity, dexterity, skill
器用な: kiyouna: ingenious, dexterous, skillful
器用に: kiyouni: ingeniously, dexterously, skillfully
器用貧乏: kiyoubinbou: a Jack of all trades and a master of none <<< 貧乏
不器用: bukiyou: clumsiness, unskillfulness, bungle <<<
不器用な: bukiyouna: awkward, clumsy, unskillful
不器用に: bukiyouni: awkwardly, clumsily, unskillfully
指先が器用だ: yubisakigakiyouda: have clever [nimble] fingers, be deft with one's fingers <<< 指先
手先が器用な: tesakigakiyouna: dexterous, deft-handed <<< 手先
synonyms: 上手

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