Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: 掛金 , 加減 , 過失 , 片端 , 火遁 , 加熱 , 感情 , 勘違 , 感電 , 官民


pronunciation: kakegane, kakekin   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 掛け金   keyword: tool , finance   
translation: latch (n.); installment, premium
掛金を掛ける: kakeganeokakeru: latch (v.) <<<
掛金を外す: kakeganeohazusu: unlatch <<<
掛金をする: kakekinnosuru: pay in [by] installments
check also


pronunciation: kagen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , mathematics   
translation: degree, extent, taste, flavor (n.), seasoning, health, condition, adjustment, regulation, moderation, allowance, influence, addition and subtraction
加減する: kagensuru: moderate, adjust, regulate, modulate, make allowance for, flavor (v.)
加減を見る: kagennomiru: taste (v.), try the flavor <<<
加減が良い: kagengaii: be [feel] well, be in good condition <<<
加減が悪い: kagengawarui: be [feel] unwell [ill], be in bad condition <<<
加減乗除: kagenjoujo: addition subtraction multiplication and division, four rules of arithmetic
味加減: ajikagen: seasoning <<<
味加減が良い: ajikagengaii: be well seasoned <<<
味加減が悪い: ajikagengawarui: be badly seasoned <<<
匙加減: sajikagen: prescription, allowance, manipulation <<<
匙加減をする: sajikagennosuru: use one's discretion, make allowance (for)
手加減する: tekagensuru <<<
手加減: tekagen: allowance, knack, discretion
好い加減な: iikagennna: random, halfway, indifferent <<<
好い加減に: iikagennni: at random, indifferently
好い加減にやる: iikagennniyaru: do things by halves, scamp one's work
check also 具合 , 調子


pronunciation: kashitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: fault, mistake, blunder, error, accident, negligence
過失の: kashitsuno: accidental
過失で: kashitsude: by accident, through one's fault
過失をする: kashitsuosuru: commit a fault, make an error
過失を犯す: kashitsuookasu <<<
過失死: kashitsushi: accidental death <<<
過失致死: kashitsuchishi: accidental homicide, involuntary manslaughter <<< 致死
過失傷害: kashitsushougai: accidental infliction of injury
重大な過失: juudainakashitsu: gross mistake <<< 重大
check also 間違


pronunciation: katahashi, katappashi, katawa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position , medicine   
translation: one edge [end, side], deformity, mal-formation, deformed [maimed, disabled] person, cripple, odd [incomplete] set
片端から: katahashikara, katappashikara: one by one, one after another, one and all
片端に寄る: katahashiniyoru: step aside <<<
片端の: katawano: deformed, maimed, lame, disabled, crippled, odd
check also 片側


pronunciation: katon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: martial art   
translation: ninja technique to hide [escape] by [through] fire
火遁の術: katonnnojutsu <<<
check also 土遁 , 水遁 , 忍者


pronunciation: kanetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , chemistry   
translation: heating
加熱する: kanetsusuru: heat (v.)
加熱処理: kanetsushori: heat treatment [treating], thermal treatment <<< 処理
加熱殺菌: kanetsusakkin: sterilization by heat [heating] <<< 殺菌
加熱分解: kanetsubunkai: decomposition by heat [heating] <<< 分解


pronunciation: kanjou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: feeling, emotion, sentiment
感情を表す: kanjouoarawasu: show one's feelings <<<
感情を隠す: kanjouokakusu: hide one's feelings <<<
感情を抑える: kanjouoosaeru: control one's feelings <<<
感情を害する: kanjouogaisuru: hurt [wound] a person's feelings, offend a person <<<
感情に走る: kanjounihashiru: give way to one's feeling [passion], be driven [carried away] by passion <<<
感情に溺れる: kanjounioboreru <<<
感情に訴える: kanjouniuttaeru: appeal to the feelings of a person <<<
感情を籠めて: kanjouokomete: with feeling [sentiment] <<<
感情の籠った: kanjounokomotta: moving, touching
感情的: kanjouteki: emotional, sentimental, passionate <<<
感情的に: kanjoutekini: emotionally, sentimentally, passionately
感情家: kanjouka: emotional person, sentimentalist <<<
感情線: kanjousen: heart line <<<
感情論: kanjouron: sentimental argument <<<
感情移入: kanjouinyuu: empathy
抑圧感情: yokuatsukanjou: pent-up feelings <<< 抑圧


pronunciation: kanchigai, kanchigae   kanji characters: ,   
translation: misunderstanding, misapprehension, misconception
勘違する: kanchigaisuru, kanchigaesuru: misunderstand, misapprehend, mistake
勘違して: kanchigaishite, kanchigaeshite: by mistake, mistakenly
check also 間違


pronunciation: kanden   kanji characters: ,    keyword: electricity   
translation: electric shock
感電する: kandensuru: receive an electric shock
感電死: kandenshi: death by an electric shock <<<
感電死する: kandenshisuru: be killed by an electric shock
check also 電撃


pronunciation: kanmin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: administration   
translation: the government and the people, officials and people
官民挙げて: kanminnagete: by the united efforts of government and people <<<
官民協力して: kanminkyouryokushite <<< 協力

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