Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: tool , unit    nb of strokes: 4
translation: ax, broadax
斤: ono: ax <<<
斤: masakari: broadax
斤: kin: unit of weight (ca. 600 g, jp.)

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 5
translation: for the time being, moreover
sha, so
且つ: katsu: moreover
且に: masani: about to (do), on the point of
且く: shibaraku: for the time being <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: obvious, evident, distinct, strong, third symbol of jik. (bor.)
hei, hyou
丙: hinoe: third symbol of jik. <<< 十干
丙らか: akiraka: obvious, clear, evident, distinct <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weapon    nb of strokes: 5
translation: armor, shell, instep, the former
kou, kan
甲: yoroi: armor
甲: kinoe: first symbol of jik. <<< 十干
甲: tsume: nail <<<
甲: kabuto: helmet <<<
Kanji words: 甲虫 , 装甲 , 甲羅 , 甲冑 , 甲府 , 甲板 , 甲状腺 , 甲斐
Expressions: 足の甲 , 靴の甲 , 亀の甲 , 蟹の甲 , 烏賊の甲

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: insufficient, poor, lack, deficient, scarce, scanty, meager, scant
bou, hou
乏しい: toboshii: scare, scanty, meager, scant <<< 不足
が乏しい: gatoboshii: be scarce [scanty], be short of, be deficient [lacking] (in)
に乏しい: nitoboshii
Kanji words: 欠乏 , 窮乏 , 貧乏
Expressions: 表情に乏しい , 色彩に乏しい , 変化に乏しい , 語彙が乏しい , 気力に乏しい

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 5
translation: delicious, tasty, sugared, contented
甘い: umai: delicious, tasty <<<
甘い: amai: sugared
甘んじる: amanjiru: be contented, resign
甘える: amaeru: be coquettish (jp.), coax
甘やかす: amayakasu: indulge, pamper, spoil
甘く見る: amakumiru: make [think] little of, hold (a person) cheap, underestimate
甘く成る: amakunaru: become sweet, mellow, become (more) indulgent, get spoony (on, over) <<<
甘くする: amakusuru: sweeten, be indulgent (to), be spoony (on, over)
甘酸っぱい: amazuppai: sweet and sour <<<
甘ったるい: amattarui: too sweet
甘ったれ: amattare: spoilt [pampered] child
甘っちょろい: amatchoroi: half-baked, half-assed
Kanji words: 甘味 , 甘口 , 甘露 , 甘言 , 甘草
Expressions: 点が甘い , 甘い生活 , 砂糖で甘くする , 運命に甘んじる , 採点が甘い , 甘納豆 , ピントが甘い
synonyms: スイート

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: color    nb of strokes: 6
translation: red, vermilion
shu: old unit of money (jp.)
朱に交われば赤くなる: shunimajiwarebaakakunaru: He who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith
朱い: akai: red (a.) <<<
朱: aka: red (n.) <<<
朱: ake
Kanji words: 朱色

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 6
translation: attack, beat, cut, pride
伐つ: utsu: attack, beat <<<
伐る: kiru: cut <<<
伐る: hokoru: be proud of, take pride in <<<
Kanji words: 殺伐

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 6
translation: sweat, perspire
汗: ase: sweat (n.), perspiration
汗を掻く: aseokaku: sweat (v.), perspire
汗を掻いている: aseokaiteiru: be in a sweat, be perspiring
汗ばむ: asebamu: sweat lightly
汗ばんだ: asebanda: lightly sweaty
汗塗れの: asemamireno: covered [drenched] with perspiration, soaked with sweat
汗だくの: asedakuno
汗を拭く: aseohuku: wipe the perspiration (from) <<<
汗臭い: asekusai: smell of sweat <<<
汗の染み: asenoshimi: sweat stain
Kanji words: 汗腺 , 冷汗
Expressions: 玉の汗
synonyms: スウェット

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: nobility    nb of strokes: 6
translation: wife, princess, empress, queen
hi, hai
妃: hi: wife of emperor's family (jp.)
妃い: tsureai: one's wife <<< 連合い
妃: kisaki: empress, queen <<<
Kanji words: 王妃
Expressions: 皇太子妃 , 大公妃 , ダイアナ妃 , スルタンの妃

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