Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'at'

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Direct access: 放飼い , 半額 , 半値 , 反目 , 馬鹿 , 博打 , 火炙 , 一足 , 一息 , 一人


pronunciation: hanashigai   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 放し飼い   keyword: pet   
translation: free-range domestication
放飼いの: hanashigaino: free-range
放飼いにする: hanashigainisuru: pasture (cattle), put (cattle) to grass, leave a pet at large


pronunciation: hangaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: half price, half rate
半額で: hangakude: at half price, at half the usual price (charge)
半額に下げる: hangakunisageru: cut the price by half, make a fifty percent discount <<<
半額セール: hangakuseeru: half pricing sale <<< セール


pronunciation: hannne   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market   
translation: half the price
半値で: hannnede: at half (the) price
半値戻: hannnemodoshi: half-price return <<<


pronunciation: hanmoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: hostility, antagonism, enmity, feud
反目する: hanmokusuru: be hostile [antagonistic] (for each other), be at feud (with a person)
反目させる: hanmokusaseru: breed discord, sow the seeds of discord


pronunciation: baka   kanji characters: , 鹿    other spells: バカ  
translation: stupidity, idiot (n.), foolishness
馬鹿の: bakano: stupid, idiot (a.), ass, fool, foolish, silly, absurd, nonsensical
馬鹿な: bakana
馬鹿げた: bakageta
馬鹿に: bakani: awfully, terribly
馬鹿にする: bakanisuru: make a fool of, make light of, ridicule, laugh at, make fun of <<< 愚弄
馬鹿にされる: bakanisareru: become a laughing-stock, expose oneself to ridicule
馬鹿に成る: bakaninaru: get benumbed, lose its essence <<<
馬鹿を見る: bakaomiru: blunder, disgrace [shame] oneself, make a fool of oneself <<<
馬鹿話: bakabanashi: silly [idle] talk <<<
馬鹿笑: bakawarai: laughing fit, giggle <<<
馬鹿値: bakane: crazy price <<<
馬鹿正直な: bakashoujikina: foolishly honest <<< 正直
馬鹿丁寧な: bakateineina: exceedingly polite <<< 丁寧
親馬鹿: oyabaka: doting parent, fond parent <<<
四月馬鹿: shigatsubaka: April fool <<< 四月
synonyms: 阿房


pronunciation: bakuchi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: gambling, gaming
博打を打つ: bakuchioutsu: gamble (v.), game (v.) <<<
博打で勝つ: bakuchidekatsu: win at gamble <<<
博打で負ける: bakuchidemakeru: lose at gamble <<<
博打打: bakuchiuchi: gambler <<<
博打場: bakuchijou: gambling place, house <<<
大博打: oobakuchi: very high stake, risky enterprise <<<
check also , 賭博 , ギャンブル


pronunciation: hiaburi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 火焙   keyword: justice   
translation: stake, fire and faggot
火炙の刑に処せられる: hiaburinokeinishoserareru: be burned at the stake
火炙に成る: hiaburininaru <<<
火炙にする: hiaburinisuru: burn sb. at the stake


pronunciation: hitoashi, issoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one step, one pair of shoes
一足で: hitoashide: in one step
一足毎に: hitoashigotoni: step by step, at every step <<<
靴下一足: kutsushitaissoku: a pair of socks <<< 靴下


pronunciation: hitoiki   kanji characters: ,   
translation: a breath, a rest, a pause
一息に: hitoikini: at a breath, at a stretch
一息に飲み干す: hitoikininomihosu: empty one's cup at a draft
一息する: hitoikisuru: take breath, take [have] a rest
一息付く: hitoikitsuku <<<
check also 一気


pronunciation: hitori   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: one person
一人で: hitoride: alone, by oneself
一人で暮らす: hitoridekurasu: live alone, remain single <<<
一人残らず: hitorinokorazu: every one, all together, to the last man, one and all <<<
一人ずつ: hitorizutsu: one at a time, individually
一人一人: hitorihitori
一人当たり: hitoriatari: for each person, per head, per capita <<<
一人っ子: hitorikko: one's only child <<<
一人娘: hitorimusume: one's only daughter <<<
一人息子: hitorimusuko: one's only son <<< 息子
一人部屋: hitoribeya: single room [bedroom] <<< 部屋 , 個室
一人前: ichininmae: one portion, manhood <<<
一人前の: ichininmaeno: grown-up, independent, self-supporting, respectable
一人前に成る: ichininmaeninaru: come of age, become independent <<<
synonyms: 単独 , ソロ

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