Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 's'

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Direct access: , , , 婿 , , , , , ,

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: dry, thirst
katsu, ketsu
渇く: kawaku: dry (up), get dry, be [feel] thirsty, be parched with thirst
渇き: kawaki: dryness, thirst, thirstiness
渇きを癒す: kawakioiyasu: quench one's thirst <<<
渇きを止める: kawakiotomeru <<<
渇る: kareru: dry up <<< ,
Kanji words: 枯渇
Expressions: 喉が渇く

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 12
translation: arm
腕: ude: arm, ability (jp.), skill
腕に抱く: udenidaku: have in one's arms <<<
腕に縋る: udenisugaru: lean on a person's arm, turn to a person for help <<<
腕に抱える: udenikakaeru: hold under one's arm <<<
腕を組む: udeokumu: fold one's arms, lock arms (with) <<<
腕を捲る: udeomakuru: roll [pull, tuck] up one's sleeves <<<
腕を捕える: udeotoraeru: catch [seize] (a person) by the arm <<<
腕を貸す: udeokasu: lend a helping hand (to) <<<
腕が鳴る: udeganaru: be itching (to do, for action) <<<
腕の有る: udenoaru: able, capable, competent, skilled, talented <<<
腕の無い: udenonai: incapable, incompetent <<<
腕を磨く: udeomigaku: improve one's skill <<<
腕を揮う: udeohuruu: use [exercise] one's skill, deploy all one's skill <<<
腕を見せる: udeomiseru: display [show] one's ability <<<
Kanji words: 腕輪 , 手腕 , 腕前 , 腕白 , 腕組
Expressions: 二の腕 , 凄い腕 , 腕時計 , 梃子の腕 , 腕相撲
synonyms: , アーム

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 12
translation: fold, pile up, heap up
jou, chou
畳む: tatamu: fold (up), shut [wind] up (jp.)
畳ねる: kasaneru: pile up, heap up <<<
畳: tatami: Japanese mat (jp.)
畳み込む: tatamikomu: fold (a thing) in, telescope <<<
畳を敷く: tatamioshiku: lay mats, mat a room <<<
畳の上で死ぬ: tataminouedeshinu: die a natural death, die in one's bed
Kanji words: 石畳
Expressions: 折り畳む , 傘を畳む , 着物を畳む , 布団を畳む , 所帯を畳む , ナイフを畳む , テントを畳む , ハンモックを畳む
check also マット


category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 12
translation: bridegroom, son-in-law
婿: muko
婿を取る: mukootoru: take a husband for one's daughter <<<
婿に行く: mukoniiku: marry into the family of one's bride <<<
Kanji words: 花婿

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 12
translation: palm, manage, administer
掌: tanagokoro: palm
掌を指す様に: tanagokoroosasuyouni: (know something) like the palm of one's hand
掌る: tsukasadoru: administer, take charge of, be head of, rule, manage, direct, preside over <<<
Kanji words: 車掌 , 仙人掌

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: hurry, trouble, faint (conf.), obscure
慌ただしい: awatadashii: hurried, flurried, confused
慌ただしく: awatadashiku: hurriedly, in a hurry
慌てる: awateru: be confused [flurried], lose one's presence of mind, be in a hurry
慌てない: awatenai: remain calm, keep quiet
慌てるな: awateruna: Don't be in a hurry, Now you must keep your head
慌てて: awatete: in a flurry, in confusion, helter-skelter, hurriedly
慌て者: awatemono: hasty person, scatterbrain <<<
慌い: kurai: obscure <<< ,
Kanji words: 恐慌

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: grasp, grip, seize
握る: nigiru: grasp (v.), grip, hold (a thing) in one's hands, seize
握り: nigiri: grasp (n.), grip, knob, handle, sushi (jp.) <<< ハンドル
握り締める: nigirishimeru: grasp [grip, hold] tightly, clasp <<<
握り潰す: nigiritsubusu: crush (a thing) in one's hand, shelve, pigeonhole, kill [table] (a bill) <<<
Kanji words: 握手 , 把握 , 御握り , 握力
Expressions: 拳を握る , 拳を握って , 手を握る , 権力を握る , 覇権を握る , 政権を握る , 尻尾を握る , 手首を握る , 制空権を握る , 制海権を握る , ハンドルを握る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 13
translation: bride, wife, daughter-in-law, marry
嫁ぐ: totsugu: marry (a man), be married to (a man), marry into (a family)
嫁がせる: totsugaseru: marry (one's daughter to a man)
嫁: yome: bride, wife, daughter-in-law
嫁に貰う: yomenimorau: take (a girl) to wife <<<
嫁を貰う: yomeomorau: marry (a girl), take (a girl) to wife, take a wife <<<
嫁に遣る: yomeniyaru: marry one's daughter off, marry [wed] one's daughter (to a person) <<<
嫁に行く: yomeniiku: marry, be married to <<<
Kanji words: 花嫁
antonyms: 婿

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 13
translation: leisure, spare time
暇: hima: leisure, spare time, separation (jp.), leave, dismissal, discharge
暇が無い: himaganai: have no time (to spare), have no leisure (to do, for a matter) <<< ,
暇な時に: himanatokini: at one's leisure, when one has time (to spare) <<<
暇でしたら: himadeshitara: If you are free [not engaged]
暇を潰す: himaotsubusu: kill time, while away one's time <<<
暇取る: himadoru: take time, delay <<< ,
暇が掛かる: himagakakaru <<<
暇を遣る: himaoyaru: give leave (of absence) <<<
暇を出す: himaodasu: dismiss, send (a person) packing, fire (a person) <<<
暇を取る: himaotoru: leave one's service [employment] <<<
暇: itoma: leisure, spare time, separation (jp.), leave, farewell
暇を告げる: itomaotsugeru: take one's leave <<<
暇を告げずに: itomaotsugezuni: without taking leave <<<
暇を乞う: itomaokou: ask a leave [separation] <<<
Kanji words: 余暇 , 休暇
synonyms: レジャー

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: pride, haughty
ko, ka
誇り: hokori: pride
誇る: hokoru: be proud (of), take pride (in), be haughty
誇りに思う: hokoriniomou: be proud (of), take pride (in) <<<
誇りとする: hokoritosuru
誇りを傷つける: hokoriokizutsukeru: hurt a person's pride <<<
誇り高き: hokoritakaki: glorious, proud <<< , 栄光
誇らしい: hokorashii: proud, boastful, triumphant
誇らしげに: hokorashigeni: proudly, boastfully, triumphantly
Kanji words: 誇大 , 誇示 , 誇張
Expressions: 勝ち誇る , 勝ち誇って , 咲き誇る
synonyms: プライド
check also 自慢

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