Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'up'

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Direct access: , , , , , , 殿 , , ,

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 12
translation: fold, pile up, heap up
jou, chou
畳む: tatamu: fold (up), shut [wind] up (jp.)
畳ねる: kasaneru: pile up, heap up <<<
畳: tatami: Japanese mat (jp.)
畳み込む: tatamikomu: fold (a thing) in, telescope <<<
畳を敷く: tatamioshiku: lay mats, mat a room <<<
畳の上で死ぬ: tataminouedeshinu: die a natural death, die in one's bed
Kanji words: 石畳
Expressions: 折り畳む , 傘を畳む , 着物を畳む , 布団を畳む , 所帯を畳む , ナイフを畳む , テントを畳む , ハンモックを畳む
check also マット

category: only in Japanese   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 12
translation: enclosure (jp.), wall, fence
塀: hei
塀を回らす: heiomegurasu: wall round, set up a wall <<<
塀をする: heiosuru
Expressions: 煉瓦塀
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 12
translation: make up
shou, sou
粧う: yosoou
Kanji words: 化粧

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: decoration    nb of strokes: 13
translation: decoration, ornament, trimmings, decor
shoku, shiki
飾る: kazaru: ornament (v.), adorn, decorate, dress, deck, garnish, affect, be affected, give oneself airs
飾り: kazari: decoration, ornament (n.), trimmings, decor
飾りの: kazarino: ornamental, decorative
飾りの有る: kazarinoaru <<<
飾りの無い: kazarinonai: unadorned, simple, plain, artless <<<
飾り立てる: kazaritateru: dress up, deck out <<<
Kanji words: 粉飾 , 装飾
Expressions: 雛を飾る , 錦を飾る , 店頭に飾る , 花道を飾る , 船首飾り , 外見を飾る , 外観を飾る , 宝石で飾る , 言葉を飾る , リボンで飾る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fest    nb of strokes: 13
translation: heap up (org.), organize (meeting etc.), urge, invite
催す: moyoosu: organize, celebrate, hold, feel
催: moyoosareru: be organized [held], take place
催: moyooshi: meeting, social gathering, ceremony, entertainment, party, show
催す: unagasu: urge, invite, incite <<<
Kanji words: 主催 , 催眠 , 開催 , 催促
Expressions: 興を催す , 集まりを催す , 宴会を催す , 嘔吐を催す , 嘔吐を催させる , 祝宴を催す , 忘年会を催す , 茶会を催す , 吐気を催す , 小宴を催す

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 13
translation: jump, leap, spring, skip, fly, dance
chou, tou
跳ぶ: tobu: jump, fly <<<
跳る: odoru: jump, skip, dance (v.) <<< ,
跳ねる: haneru: jump, leap, spring
跳ね上がる: haneagaru: spring [jump, leap] up, shoot up <<<
跳ね上げる: haneageru: splash [sputter] mud <<<
跳ね起きる: haneokiru: spring to one's feet, rise with a bounce, spring up from one's bed <<<
跳ね飛ばす: hanetobasu: send (a person, a thing) flying, spatter (mud), knock (a person) off <<<
跳ね除ける: hanenokeru: push [thrust, brush] aside <<<
跳ね付ける: hanetsukeru: refuse, turn down, reject <<<
跳ね回る: hanemawaru: romp [skip, jump, leap] about, gambol <<<
Kanji words: 跳躍 , 縄跳
Expressions: 飛び跳ねる , 片足で跳ぶ
synonyms: , ジャンプ


category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 13
translation: palace, rear guard
den, ten
殿: tono: palace, lord (jp.)
殿: dono: Mister (jp.), Sir
殿: shingari: rear guard
殿を勤める: shingariotsutomeru: bring up the rear <<<
Kanji words: 宮殿 , 沈殿 , 殿様
Expressions: 大仏殿 , ルーブル宮殿 , ベルサイユ宮殿

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: trouble, annoy, worry, bore, cumber
han, bon
煩わしい: wazurawashii: annoying, boring, cumbersome
煩わす: wazurawasu: trouble (vt.), annoy, worry, bore, cumber
煩う: wazurau: be worried, be concerned
煩い: wazurai: sickness (jp.), illness <<<
煩い: urusai: annoying, troublesome, tiresome, noisy, boisterous, persistent, importunate, fastidious, hard to please, Shut up! Don't bother me! Leave me alone!
煩く: urusaku: annoyingly, persistently, importunately
煩る: urusagaru: feel annoyed [bothered] (by, at), find (a matter) troublesome
煩らせる: urusagaraseru: annoy, bother
煩くせがむ: urusakusegamu: pester (a person into doing), importune (a person to do)
煩そうに: urusasouni: with an annoyed look [air]
Kanji words: 煩悩
Expressions: 思い煩う

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: offer, present, sacrifice, devote, revere
ken, kon
献る: tatematsuru: offer [present] (a thing to a person), revere, show respect for <<<
献げる: sasageru: lift [hold] up, offer, present, sacrifice, devote oneself <<<
Kanji words: 献血 , 貢献 , 献金 , 献立 , 献身

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 13
translation: send a person., dispatch
遣わす: tsukawasu: send a person, dispatch, give a thing (jp.)
遣う: tsukau: employ a person (jp.) <<< 使
遣る: yaru: send a person, dispatch, give a thing (jp.), do, perform
遣り合う: yariau: have sharp words (with), dispute, wrangle <<<
遣り返す: yarikaesu: answer back, retort <<<
遣り切れない: yarikirenai: cannot bear, can hardly stand, be unbearable, be intolerable <<<
遣り込める: yarikomeru: put (a person) to silence, talk (a person) down, corner (a person) in argument <<<
遣り過ぎる: yarisugiru: overdo, go too far, do (a matter) too much <<<
遣り過す: yarisugosu: let (a person) pass by one, allow (a person) to pass on, eat [drink] too much <<<
遣り直す: yarinaosu: do (a matter) over again [once more], do (a matter) over from the very beginning <<<
遣り難い: yarinikui: difficult [hard] to do [deal with], awkward <<<
遣り抜く: yarinuku: achieve, carry through [out], accomplish, stick to (one's business) to the very last <<<
遣り通す: yaritoosu <<<
遣り遂げる: yaritogeru <<<
遣らかす: yarakasu: do, perform
遣られる: yarareru: be defeated, be beaten, be done for, be outwitted, be imposed upon, have (a thing) stolen, be stolen, fall ill, be taken ill, be damaged [injured, broken, destroyed, hit], be wounded, be killed [murdered]
遣らせ: yarase: frame-up, setup
Kanji words: 蛇遣い , 小遣 , 心遣い , 思い遣 , 派遣 , 遣る気
Expressions: 呼びに遣る , 使いを遣る , 追い遣る , 株を遣る , 気遣う , 気遣わしい , 気遣わしげに , 迎えに遣る , 嫁に遣る , 暇を遣る , 餌を遣る , 緩り遣る , 負けて遣る , 祝儀を遣る , 遣り放題 , 使者を遣わす , 言葉遣い , ピッチャーを遣る

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