Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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Direct access: , , 婿 , , , , , , ,

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: manage (horse), conduct, handle, govern (ext.), rule, reign
go, gyo
御う: atsukau: manage (horse), conduct, handle <<<
御める: osameru: govern, rule [reign] over, manage <<<
御: on, o: pref. of pol. (jp.)
御: mi
Kanji words: 御負け , 御蔭 , 御目出度 , 御田 , 御茶 , 御経 , 御礼 , 御願 , 御湿 , 御喋り , 御早う , 御玉 , 御休み , 御中 , 御数 , 御者 , 御八 , 防御 , 御金 , 御馳走 , 御握り , 御伽 , 御託 , 御辞儀 , 御年玉 , 御好み , 御守 , 御兄 , 御座成 , 御腹 , 御悔み , 御宅 , 御世辞 , 御飯 , 御節 , 制御 , 御絞り , 御節介 , 御盆 , 御嶽 , 御帰り , 御化 , 御免 , 親御 , 御多福 , 御神籤 , 御前
Expressions: 御祖父さん , 御祖父ちゃん , 御役目に , 御愛嬌に , 御河童 , 御河童頭 , 御布施 , 御布施をする , 御布施を上げる , 御大事に , 御手伝いさん , 御転婆 , 御転婆な , 御茶漬 , 御見事 , 御用件は , 御用件は何ですか , 御洒落 , 御洒落な , 御洒落をする , 御総菜 , 御令嬢 , 御祖母さん , 御祖母ちゃん , 御菓子 , 御正月 , 御主人 , 御無沙汰 , 御無沙汰する , 御目玉を食う , 御神輿 , 御清聴 , 御清聴を感謝します , 御清聴を感謝致します , 御存知 , 御存知の通り , 御存知の如く , 御達者で , 御名前は , 御中元 , 御茶目な , 御注文 , 御仕置 , 御新香 , 御元気ですか , 御土産 , 御裾分け , 御裾分けする , 御手前 , 御手前拝見 , 御多分に漏れず , 御機嫌は , 御機嫌は如何 , 御機嫌よう

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: give up, abandon, renounce, disabled
廃れる: sutareru: fall into disuse, go [fall, get] out of use, go [get] out of fashion [style, vogue, date], become obsolete, be abandoned [abolished], be on the wane
廃る: sutaru
廃れた: sutareta: disused, out of fashion [style, vogue, date], outmoded, obsolete
廃める: yameru: give up, abandon, renounce
廃: katawa: disabled, crippled
Kanji words: 廃止 , 退廃 , 荒廃 , 廃人 , 廃棄
Expressions: 男が廃る


category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 12
translation: bridegroom, son-in-law
婿: muko
婿を取る: mukootoru: take a husband for one's daughter <<<
婿に行く: mukoniiku: marry into the family of one's bride <<<
Kanji words: 花婿

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: death    nb of strokes: 12
translation: lose, perish
喪: mo: period of mourning
喪に服する: monihukusuru: observe [go into] mourning <<<
喪が明ける: mogaakeru: go out of [leave off] mourning <<<
喪う: ushinau: lose <<<
喪びる: horobiru: perish, die (fig.) <<< ,
Kanji words: 喪服 , 喪失

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: split, tear, rend
裂く: saku: split (vt.), tear, rend
裂ける: sakeru: split (vi.), be torn
裂: kire: piece of cloth
Kanji words: 破裂 , 支離滅裂 , 亀裂 , 分裂
Expressions: 仲を裂く

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: unit    nb of strokes: 12
translation: search, seek, question, interrogate, inquire
尋: hiro: unit of length (ca. 1.82 m in Japan)
尋ねる: tazuneru: look [hunt] for, search [seek] (for), question (v.), interrogate, inquire
尋ねて: tazunete: in search for
尋で: tsuide: short after
尋ぐ: tsugu: follow, succeed, inherit <<<
尋: tsune: usual, ordinary, habitual <<<
Kanji words: 千尋 , 尋問 , 尋常
Expressions: 訳を尋ねる , 消息を尋ねる , 安否を尋ねる , 起源を尋ねる , 時間を尋ねる

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: china    nb of strokes: 12
translation: go over, cross over, Yue (a kingdom in south-east China, 600 BC-334 BC), Vietnam (pref.)
etsu, ochi, katsu
越える: koeru: cross (over), go over [across], pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel
越す: kosu: cross (over), go over (across), pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel, move, remove
越に: kokoni: here is
越: koshi: region of Hokuriku (jp.)
Kanji words: 追越 , 僭越 , 超越 , 引越 , 上越 , 年越
Expressions: 山を越える , 申し越す , 度を越す , 持ち越す , 乗り越える , 峠を越す , 眼鏡越しに , 権限を越える , 程度を越える , 定数を越す , 死線を越える , ハードルを越える , バーを越える
check also ベトナム

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 12
translation: dawn, understand (ext.)
暁: akatsuki: dawn
暁に: akatsukini: bright and early
暁近く: akatsukichikaku: at break of day, before dawn of day <<<
の暁には: noakatsukiniha: in the event of [that]
暁る: satoru: understand (become clear), realize <<< ,
synonyms: , 明方 , 夜明

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 12
translation: palm, manage, administer
掌: tanagokoro: palm
掌を指す様に: tanagokoroosasuyouni: (know something) like the palm of one's hand
掌る: tsukasadoru: administer, take charge of, be head of, rule, manage, direct, preside over <<<
Kanji words: 車掌 , 仙人掌

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: hurry, trouble, faint (conf.), obscure
慌ただしい: awatadashii: hurried, flurried, confused
慌ただしく: awatadashiku: hurriedly, in a hurry
慌てる: awateru: be confused [flurried], lose one's presence of mind, be in a hurry
慌てない: awatenai: remain calm, keep quiet
慌てるな: awateruna: Don't be in a hurry, Now you must keep your head
慌てて: awatete: in a flurry, in confusion, helter-skelter, hurriedly
慌て者: awatemono: hasty person, scatterbrain <<<
慌い: kurai: obscure <<<
Kanji words: 恐慌

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