Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 12
translation: symptom, nearly
幾: kizashi: symptom, omen <<<
幾ど: hotondo: nearly <<<
幾: hotohoto: quite (at a loss) <<<
幾: iku: unknown quantity
幾ら: ikura: how much, how many, how far, how long
幾らでも: ikurademo: any number [amount] of, as many [much] as one likes [wants]
幾らですか: ikuradesuka: How much does it cost, What is the price [charge, fare, fee]
幾らか: ikuraka: some, a little, somewhat, to some extent, partly
幾ら遅くとも: ikuraosokutomo: at (the) latest <<<
幾ら多くても: ikuraookutemo: at (the) most <<<
幾ら良くても: ikurayokutemo: at (the) best <<<
幾つ: ikutsu: how many, how old
幾つか: ikutsuka: some, several, few
幾つですか: ikutsudesuka: How old are you?
Kanji words: 幾度 , 幾何
Expressions: 皆で幾らですか , 締めて幾らですか , 幾週間も , 値段は幾ら

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: smoke, smoky, haze
煙: kemuri: smoke (n.)
煙る: kemuru: be smoky, look dim
煙い: kemui: smoky, filled with smoke, fumous, feel awkward (jp.)
煙たい: kemutai
煙: kemutagaru: feel awkward [ill at ease], be rather afraid of, keep (a person) at a respectful distance
煙を出す: kemuriodasu: smoke (vt.)
煙が出る: kemurigaderu: smoke (vi.)
煙が立つ: kemurigatatsu
煙にする: kemurinisuru: lose, throw away <<<
煙に成る: kemurininaru: end in smoke <<<
煙に巻く: kemurinimaku: bewilder, nonplus, mystify, fool <<<
煙に巻かれる: kemurinimakareru: be overwhelmed [suffocated] by smoke, be mystified [bewildered] <<<
Kanji words: 喫煙 , 煙管 , 煙幕 , 狼煙 , 煙草 , 硝煙 , 禁煙 , 煙突
synonyms: スモーク

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 13
translation: thunder, thunderbolt
雷: kaminari: thunder, thunderbolt, peal [roll] of thunder
雷が鳴る: kaminariganaru: It thunders, Thunder rolls [rumbles]
雷に打たれる: kaminariniutareru: be struck by lightning <<<
雷が落ちる: kaminarigaochiru: The lightning strikes <<<
雷を落とす: kaminariootosu: thunder at (a person) <<<
Kanji words: 魚雷 , 雷鳴 , 落雷 , 機雷 , 雷神 , 雷雨 , 避雷針 , 地雷
check also 稲妻

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 13
translation: naked, nude, bare, uncovered
裸: hadaka: nakedness, nudity, bareness
裸の: hadakano: naked, nude, bare, uncovered
裸にする: hadakanisuru: strip [make] (a person) naked
裸に成る: hadakaninaru: become [strip oneself] naked, strip off one's clothes, undress oneself, become penniless, become bare of <<<
Kanji words: 裸体 , 裸眼 , 裸足

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 13
translation: separate, part, screen, estrange
kaku, kyaku
隔たる: hedataru: be distant [away] (from), be far off, become estranged (from)
隔てる: hedateru: separate, part, screen, estrange
隔て: hedate: difference, discrimination, distinction
隔て無く: hedatenaku: without distinction of, regardless of <<<
Kanji words: 間隔 , 隔膜 , 隔離
Expressions: 海を隔てて , 海を隔てた

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: musical instrument    nb of strokes: 13
translation: bell
rei, rin
鈴: suzu
鈴を鳴らす: suzuonarasu: tinkle a bell
鈴の音: suzunone: tinkle [tinkling] of a bell <<<
Kanji words: 鈴蘭 , 鈴木 , 鈴菜
synonyms: ベル

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: get tired of, weary, tedious, lose interest in
飽きる: akiru: get tired [sick, weary] of, lose interest in, have enough of
飽かす: akasu: weary (vt.), satiate, bore
飽きさせる: akisaseru
飽くまで: akumade: to the last, to the (bitter) end, to the utmost, to the best of one's power
飽くまでも: akumademo
飽くまでやる: akumadeyaru: do one's best [utmost]
飽くまで戦う: akumadetatakau: fight it out <<<
飽き足らない: akitaranai: be dissatisfied (with), be unsatisfactory, leave much to be desired <<<
飽きっぽい: akippoi: fickle, capricious, get soon tired (of)
Kanji words: 飽和

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: anxious, worried, concerned
愁える: ureeru: be anxious [worried] (about, over), be concerned (about, for, over), be afraid of, fear <<<
愁い: urei: melancholy, anxiety, worry, affliction, fear, grief, distress, sorrow <<<
Kanji words: 郷愁

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: fear, worry, concern, anxious, afraid
虞: osore: fear, dread, terror, horror, reverence, awe, apprehension, danger <<<
虞える: ureeru: be anxious [worried] (about, over), be concerned (about, for, over), be afraid of, fear <<< , ,
虞る: omonbakaru: consider, be thoughtful, take (a matter) into account <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: praise, admire, honor, glory, credit, fame
誉れ: homare: honor, glory, credit, fame
誉める: homeru: praise, speak well of, commend, admire
誉めそやす: homesoyasu: speak very highly of, praise [extol] (a person) to the skies
誉めちぎる: homechigiru
誉めるに足る: homerunitaru: praiseworthy, laudable, commendable <<<
誉む可き: homubeki <<<
誉: nori, takashi: pers.
Kanji words: 栄誉 , 名誉

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