Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: psychology    nb of strokes: 15
translation: anxiety, worry, fear
憂える: ureeru: be anxious [worried] (about, over), be concerned (about, for, over), be afraid of, fear <<< , , 心配
憂い: urei: melancholy, anxiety, worry, affliction, fear, grief, distress, sorrow
憂いに沈む: ureinishizumu: be sunk in sorrow [grief] <<<
憂さ: usa: gloom, melancholy
憂さを晴らす: usaoharasu: dispel gloom, dispel oneself (in), pour one's heart out <<<
憂い: ui: pain (jp.)
Kanji words: 憂慮 , 憂鬱 , 杞憂

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: tool    nb of strokes: 16
translation: weight, plummet, plumb, sinker
sui, tsui
錘: omori <<<
錘: tsumu: parts of spinning machine
Kanji words: 紡錘

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: resent, grudge
憾む: uramu: bear [have] a grudge [spite] (against a person), think ill of (a person), resent (a matter, doing), feel [show] resentment (at)
憾み: urami: resentment, grudge, bitter feeling, hatred, spite, ill will, malice
Kanji words: 遺憾

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: drink , color    nb of strokes: 16
translation: dark, somber, deep, thick
nou, jou
濃い: koi: dark (color), somber, deep, thick (liquid), heavy, strong
濃く: koku: deeply, thickly, strong
濃くする: kokusuru: deepen, thicken, make strong
濃さ: kosa: depth of color, thickness, strength, density
Kanji words: 濃度 , 濃縮 , 濃紺 , 信濃 , 濃厚
Expressions: 濃溶液

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 17
translation: rub, chafe, stroke, pat, scratch, scrape, graze
擦る: suru: rub (vt.), file, frost, strike, lose (jp.) <<<
擦れる: sureru: rub (vi.), wear, be worn (out), lose one's modesty [naïveté] (jp.)
擦り込む: surikomu: rub in <<<
擦り付ける: suritsukeru: rub against <<<
擦り潰す: suritsubusu: grind down (into powder), mash, rub (a thing) out of shape, deface <<<
擦り抜ける: surinukeru: brush past <<<
擦り減らす: suriherasu: wear down [away] <<<
擦り剥く: surimuku: gaze, abrade, chafe, bark <<<
擦り寄る: suriyoru: edge [side] up (to), nestle (close to a person) <<<
擦る: sasuru: rub (vt.), chafe, stroke, pat
擦る: kasuru: scratch, scrape, graze <<<
擦る: kosuru: rub, scrub, scour, chafe, brush
Kanji words: 摩擦 , 阿婆擦
Expressions: 軽石で擦る , 束子で擦る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: life    nb of strokes: 18
translation: habit, way, custom, tendency, leaning
癖: kuse
癖が付く: kusegatsuku: get into a habit (of doing) <<<
癖が有る: kusegaaru: have a habit (of doing)
癖に成る: kuseninaru: become a habit, make a precedent <<<
癖を付ける: kuseotsukeru: form a habit (of), accustom oneself to (doing) <<<
癖を直す: kuseonaosu: cure oneself of a habit, beat a person out of habit <<<
Kanji words: 口癖 , 寝癖
Expressions: 孤独癖 , 読書癖 , 虚言癖 , 飲酒癖 , 収集癖 , 放浪癖 , 浪費癖 , 書籍収集癖

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 18
translation: wink, glimmer, twinkle
瞬く: matataku: wink (v.), glimmer, twinkle
瞬き: matataki: wink (n.), winking, twinkling
瞬く間に: matatakumani: in the twinkling of an eye, in an instant [a moment, a wink]
Kanji words: 瞬間 , 一瞬
Expressions: 星が瞬く
synonyms: ウインク

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 18
translation: disorder, confusion, disorganize, demoralize, disturb, chaotic
ran, kan
濫れる: midareru: go out of order [control], be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion], lose one's wits, be demoralized, be lax (in morals), be disheveled, be disturbed, be chaotic
濫りに: midarini: without permission [leave], without cause [reason], indiscriminately, recklessly <<<
Kanji words: 氾濫

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: mechanics    nb of strokes: 19
translation: wind, reel, spin
繰る: kuru: wind (vt.), spin, set one after another (jp.)
繰り: kuri: a kind of melody (jp.)
繰り上げる: kuriageru: move up, advance <<<
繰り合わせる: kuriawaseru: make [find] time, arrange matters <<<
繰り入れる: kuriireru: add [transfer] (to), put in <<<
繰り込む: kurikomu: transfer (to), carry forward, march [troop] on, file in <<<
繰り返し: kurikaeshi: repetition, reiteration, refrain <<<
繰り返す: kurikaesu: repeat, do (a matter) over again <<<
繰り替える: kurikaeru: change, exchange, appropriate <<<
繰り下げる: kurisageru: carry [shift, move] down, postpone <<<
繰り出す: kuridasu: let [draw] out, thrust, troop [file] out, dispatch, sally forth
繰り広げる: kurihirogeru: unfold, unroll
Kanji words: 絡繰
Expressions: 巻き繰る , 勘繰る , 舵を繰る , 資金繰り
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: music    nb of strokes: 19
translation: cover all the subjects, write in an exhaustive way
譜: hu: music, score of music
譜が読める: hugayomeru: learn music theory
Kanji words: 楽譜 , 総譜

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