Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , 禿 ,

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 19
translation: head of warlords, leader (ext.), chief
覇を唱える: haotonaeru: hold sway (over), dominate [reign] (over) <<<
覇を争う: haoarasou: contend for supremacy <<<
覇: hatagashira: head of warlords
Kanji words: 覇権 , 覇者 , 制覇

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 20
translation: criticize, censure, reproach, accuse, yield (bor.), transfer, turn [hand] over, concede
譲る: yuzuru: transfer, turn [hand] over, assign, give, offer, abdicate, sell, dispose of, concede, make a concession, yield
譲める: semeru: criticize, censure, reproach, accuse <<<
Kanji words: 謙譲 , 割譲 , 分譲 , 譲渡 , 譲歩
Expressions: 道を譲る , 席を譲る , 座席を譲る , 一歩譲る , 一歩も譲らない , 政権を譲る , 権利を譲る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: musical instrument    nb of strokes: 20
translation: bell, gong
鐘: kane
鐘の音: kanenone: sound of a bell <<<
鐘が鳴る: kaneganaru: There goes the bell
鐘を鳴らす: kaneonarasu: ring a bell
鐘を突く: kaneotsuku: strike [toll] a bell <<<
Expressions: 除夜の鐘
synonyms: ベル

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 23
translation: mirror, in view of, take into consideration
鑑: kagami: mirror <<<
鑑みる: kangamiru: take into consideration
に鑑みて: nikangamite: in view [consideration, the light] of
Kanji words: 鑑賞 , 鑑識 , 年鑑 , 鑑別 , 図鑑 , 印鑑 , 鑑定

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: time , calendar    nb of strokes: 3
translation: year of the snake (Chinese Zodiac), 10h am.
巳: mi
check also

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: time , calendar    nb of strokes: 4
translation: year of the ox (Chinese Zodiac), 2h am
chou, chu
丑: ushi: ox (zod.) <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: slap, pat, tap, clap
叩く: tataku: slap, pat, tap, clap, attack, censure, criticize
叩き上げる: tatakiageru: struggle [work] one's way up (from) <<<
叩き起こす: tatakiokosu: knock (a person) up, rouse (a person) mercilessly from his sleep <<<
叩き落す: tatakiotosu: beat [strike] down, knock off, knock (a thing) from [out of] (a person's) hand <<<
叩き切る: tatakikiru: hack, chop <<<
叩き込む: tatakikomu: drive in (a nail), strike [hammer, beat] (an idea) into a person's head <<<
叩き殺す: tatakikorosu: beat [flog] (a person) to death, strike [knock] (a person) dead
叩き壊す: tatakikowasu: knock (a thing) to pieces, smash up, shatter, wreck
叩き出す: tatakidasu: kick out, turn out, send (a person) packing, fire
叩き付ける: tatakitsukeru: throw [hurl] (a thing at, against) <<<
叩き潰す: tatakitsubusu: smash [knock] (a thing) to pieces <<<
叩き直す: tatakinaosu: flog (laziness) out of (a person) <<<
叩きのめす: tatakinomesu: knock down, floor (a person) with a blow
叩き伏せる: tatakihuseru: knock down <<<
Kanji words: 蝿叩き
Expressions: 売り叩く , 戸を叩く , 肩を叩く , 尻を叩く , 蝿を叩く , 土竜叩き , 軽口を叩く , 意見を叩く , 太鼓を叩く , ドラムを叩く

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: amusement    nb of strokes: 7
translation: play, trifle, toy, sport, frolic, fumble, tamper
弄する: rousuru: mock (at), ridicule
弄ぶ: moteasobu: play [trifle, toy] with, make sport [a fool] of <<<
弄れる: tawamureru: play, sport, frolic
弄る: ijiru: finger (v.), fumble with, play with, touch, tamper with <<< タッチ
弄くる: ijikuru
Kanji words: 愚弄 , 庭弄り , 翻弄
Expressions: 指で弄る , 策略を弄する


category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 7
translation: bald
禿: hage: baldness, a bald patch
禿る: hageru: lose hair, become bald, become bare
禿: kamuro: an ancient haircut of Japanese girls
禿げた: hageta: bald, bald-headed, bare
禿の: hageno
Kanji words: 禿鷹 , 禿頭
check also 脱毛

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: action of sitting (orig.), sit
坐る: suwaru: sit down, take a seat, be seated, squat
坐ながら: inagara: without moving <<<
坐に: sozoroni: in spite of oneself, involuntarily, somehow <<<
坐す: owasu: exist (jp., pol.), be (there)
Kanji words: 胡坐

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