Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: society    nb of strokes: 15
translation: talk by gathering
噂: uwasa: rumor (n., jp.), report, gossip, hearsay
噂する: uwasasuru: rumor (v., jp.), speak [talk] (on, about), gossip (about)
噂によると: uwasaniyoruto: according to a rumor [report]
噂に上る: uwasaninoboru: be talked [gossiped] about <<<
噂に成る: uwasaninaru <<<
噂を立てる: uwasaotateru: spread [circulate] a rumor, set a rumor afloat
噂を流す: uwasaonagasu <<<
噂を聞く: uwasaokiku: hear of, know by hearsay
噂をすれば影: uwasaosurebakage: 'Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear' <<<
check also ゴシップ

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: stroke, pat, smooth, caress
bu, hu
撫でる: naderu: stroke, pat, smooth, caress
撫で上げる: nadeageru: brush back, comb [smooth] up <<<
撫で下ろす: nadeorosu: heave a sigh of relief, feel relieved <<<
撫で付ける: nadetsukeru: comb, brush, smooth (one's hair) <<<
Kanji words: 愛撫 , 撫子
Expressions: 顎を撫でる , 顎を撫ぜる , 軽く撫でる

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: animal , mechanics    nb of strokes: 15
translation: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate
噛む: kamu: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate <<<
噛み合い: kamiai: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合う: kamiau: bite at [fight with] each other, gear with, occlude <<<
噛み合わせ: kamiawase: biting [fighting] each other, gearing, engagement <<<
噛み合わせる: kamiawaseru: clench one's teeth, engage (gear wheels), set (animals) fighting each other <<<
噛み殺す: kamikorosu: bite to death, suppress, keep back
噛み砕く: kamikudaku: crunch, crash with the teeth
噛み締める: kamishimeru: chew (well), masticate, appreciate, meditate on <<<
噛み付く: kamitsuku: bite [snap] (at) <<<
噛み分ける: kamiwakeru: understand, appreciate <<<
噛る: kajiru: gnaw (upon), nibble (at), bite (at), have a smattering of <<<
Expressions: 舌を噛む , 犬に噛まれる , 爪を噛む , 唇を噛む , 臍を噛む , 噛み煙草 , ガムを噛む

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: yearn, pine, long, aspire, admire, adore
shou, dou
憧れる: akogareru: long for, yearn [pine] for [after], aspire to, admire, adore
憧れ: akogare: longing (for), yearning (for), thirst (for wealth, for fame), admiration
憧れの: akogareno: fervent, ardent, wistful, yearning, longing, wishful
憧れの的: akogarenomato: object of adoration <<<
Kanji words: 憧憬
Expressions: 異国の憧れ

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: blow, sigh, ah
嘘: uso: lie (jp.), falsehood, story, fabrication
嘘の: usono: false, untrue, forged
嘘を吐く: usootsuku: lie, tell a lie [falsehood, story] <<<
嘘を吐け: usootsuke: Don't be silly! Nonsense! <<<
嘘を教える: usoooshieru: give (a person) wrong information
嘘の様な: usonoyouna: implausible, improbable <<<
嘘の様な話: usonoyounahanashi: incredible story
嘘の塊: usonokatamari: tissue of lies
嘘く: huku: blow <<< ,
Kanji words: 嘘吐き
Expressions: 嘘も方便 , 真赤な嘘 , 嘘発見器
synonyms: 虚言

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: blame, censure, slander, abuse, libel
誹る: soshiru: blame (v.), censure, speak ill of, slander, abuse, libel, cast a stigma (on)
誹り: soshiri: blame (n.), censure, slander, abuse, libel
誹りを招く: soshiriomaneku: give cause for blame <<<
synonyms: 非難 ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: a kind of gem
Kanji words: 瑠璃

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 16
translation: hoof
蹄: hiZume: hoof, hooves (plur.)
蹄の有る: hiZumenoaru: hoofed
蹄の跡: hiZumenoato: hoof tracks [prints] <<<
蹄の音: hiZumenooto: clatter of hoofs <<<
Kanji words: 口蹄疫 , 蹄鉄

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: name of a river, move (bor.), remove, shift, shake, swing, wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy
蕩かす: ugokasu: move (vt.), remove, shift, shake, swing, set in motion <<<
蕩い: hiroi: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy,
蕩: hoshiimama: arbitrary, wayward, freely <<< ,
蕩かす: torokasu: melt (vt.), dissolve, captivate, charm, bewitch, fascinate
蕩ける: torokeru: melt (away), dissolve, be captivated [charmed, fascinated]

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: asia    nb of strokes: 17
translation: well crib, old name of southern Korea
韓: igeta: well crib
Kanji words: 韓流 , 韓国

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