Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: utensil    nb of strokes: 5
translation: sound of fall into a well
tan, ton
丼: donburi: (deep) bowl (jp.)
Kanji words: 牛丼 , 天丼
Expressions: 親子丼 , カツ丼

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: hygiene    nb of strokes: 10
translation: dust, dirt
埃: chiri: dust <<<
埃: hokori: dust, dirt
埃っぽい: hokorippoi: dusty
埃だらけの: hokoridarakeno
埃塗れの: hokorimamireno
埃が立つ: hokorigatatsu: be dusty, The dust is rising
埃を立てる: hokoriotateru: make [raise] a cloud of dust
埃を静める: hokorioshizumeru: lay the dust
埃を払う: hokorioharau: dust (v.), brush
埃を被る: hokoriokaburu: gather dust, take responsibility <<<
埃が溜まる: hokoridatamaru: Dust piles up <<<

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: disease    nb of strokes: 11
translation: scab, slough, itch, itchy
痒い: kayui: itch (v.), feel [be] itchy, crawl
痒い所に手が届く: kayuitokoronitegatodoku: attend to (a person) with scrupulous care, nothing to be desired
痒み: kayumi: itch (n.), pruritus
痒がる: kayugaru: complain of itching
痒: kasa: scab, slough
Expressions: 痛くも痒くもない , 痛し痒し

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: accessory    nb of strokes: 12
translation: striped article, gem of tiger form
Kanji words: 琥珀
check also

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: shrink, cower, crouch, restrain, refrain, abstain, afraid, fear, dread
竦む: tsutsushimu: restrain oneself, refrain from, abstain from, be moderate (in) <<< ,
竦れる: osoreru: be afraid of, fear (v.), dread <<< ,
竦む: sukumu: shrink, cower, crouch
Expressions: 肩を竦める

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: extravagant, haughty, arrogant, despise, contempt
傲る: ogoru: live luxuriously, be extravagant, be haughty [arrogant], become [get] conceited
傲どる: anadoru: despise, look down upon, hold (a person) in contempt, make little of
Kanji words: 傲慢
synonyms: ,

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: amusement    nb of strokes: 13
translation: taste, relish
嗜む: tashinamu: be fond of, have a taste for, live, love, relish
嗜み: tashinami: taste (n.), relish, accomplishments, modesty (jp.), etiquette <<< エチケット
嗜みの良い: tashinaminoii, tashinaminoyoi: descent, reputable, ethical <<<
Kanji words: 嗜好

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: bird    nb of strokes: 13
translation: pheasant, measure of castle's walls
chi, ji
雉: kiji: pheasant
雉: kaki: measure of castle's walls
Kanji words: 雉鳩

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: smell, sent, sniff
嗅ぐ: kagu: smell, sent, sniff, have a smell
嗅ぎ付ける: kagitsukeru: smell out, get wind [scent] of, sense <<<
嗅ぎ出す: kagidasu
Expressions: 嗅ぎ煙草 , クロロホルムを嗅がせる
check also

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: bend, lean, arch, disturb, agitate, dishevel
tou, kou, jou
撓める: tawameru: bend (vt.)
撓む: tawamu: bend (vi.), be bent
撓る: shinaru: lean, arch
撓う: shinau
撓垂れる: shinadareru
撓れる: midareru: go out of order [control], be disheveled, be disturbed, be chaotic
撓: midasu: put out of order, put into disorder, disturb, agitate, dishevel

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