Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 来日 , 駱駝 , 裸体 , 理屈 , 利食 , 理性 , 了解 , 両手 , 旅客 , 旅行


pronunciation: rainichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: visiting Japan
来日する: rainichisuru: come to Japan, visit Japan
来日中: rainichichuu: during one's visit in Japan <<<
check also 日本


pronunciation: rakuda   other spells: ラクダ   keyword: animal   
translation: camel
駱駝に乗る: rakudaninoru: mount [ride] a camel <<<
駱駝の瘤: rakudanokobu: camel's hump <<<


pronunciation: ratai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: naked [nude] body, nakedness, nudity
裸体の: rataino: nude, naked, stark-naked
裸体で: rataide: in the nude, in the altogether
裸体に成る: rataininaru: become naked, strip oneself naked, take off all one's clothes <<<
裸体画: rataiga: nude picture <<<
裸体像: rataizou: nude statue [figure] <<<
裸体美: rataibi: physical [nude] beauty <<<
裸体主義: rataishugi: nudism
裸体主義者: rataishugisha: nudist
check also ヌード


pronunciation: rikutsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reason, truth, theory, logic, argument, quibble, sophistry, pretext
理屈っぽい: rikutsuppoi: argumentative, captious
理屈に合う: rikutsuniau: stand to reason, be reasonable <<<
理屈に合わない: rikutsuniawanai: contradict oneself, be illogical, do not hold water
理屈が立たない: rikutsugatatanai <<<
理屈を付ける: rikutsuotsukeru: give a reason (for) <<<
理屈を言う: rikutsuoiu: argue, theorize <<<
理屈を捏ねる: rikutsuokoneru: raise captious objections (to, against), cavil (at, about), chop logic <<<
理屈屋: rikutsuya: argumentative person, theory-monger <<<
屁理屈: herikutsu: quibble <<<
屁理屈を言う: herikutsuoiu: quibble, chop logic, argue for argument's sake <<<
屁理屈を捏ねる: herikutsuokoneru <<<
屁理屈屋: herikutsuya: quibbler, sophist <<<
check also 理論 , 道理 ,


pronunciation: rigui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market   
translation: profit taking
利食い売り: riguiuri <<<
利食いする: riguisuru: sell one's stocks at a profit
利食い売りする: riguiurisuru


pronunciation: risei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reason
理性の有る: riseinoaru: rational <<<
理性的な: riseitekina <<<
理性的に: riseitekini: rationally
理性の無い: riseinonai: irrational, senseless <<<
理性に従う: riseinishitagau: listen to [follow the dictates of] reason <<<
理性に訴える: riseiniuttaeru: appeal to a person's reason <<<
理性を備える: riseiosonaeru: be endowed with reason <<<
理性を欠く: riseiokaku: be devoid of reason <<<
理性を失う: riseioushinau: lose one's reason <<<


pronunciation: ryoukai   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 諒解  
translation: understanding, agreement
了解する: ryoukaisuru: understand, agree
了解出来る: ryoukaidekiru: understandable, comprehensible <<< 出来
了解しうる: ryoukaishiuru
了解し難い: ryoukaishigatai: incomprehensible, beyond one's comprehension <<<
了解を得る: ryoukaioeru: obtain a person's consent <<<
了解を求める: ryoukaiomotomeru: ask for a person's consent <<<
了解事項: ryoukaijikou: items agreed upon
check also 納得


pronunciation: ryoute   kanji characters: ,   
translation: both hands
両手で: ryoutede: with both hands
両手利きの: ryoutekikino: ambidextrous <<<
両手利きの人: ryoutekikinohito: ambidexter <<<
両手を広げる: ryouteohirogeru: stretch out one's arms <<<
両手に花: ryoutenihana: be doubly blessed, sit between two beauties <<<
check also 片手


pronunciation: ryokaku, ryokyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport , travel   
translation: traveler, passenger
旅客機: ryokakki: passenger plane <<<
旅客係: ryokakugakari: passenger agent <<< , 車掌
旅客列車: ryokakuressha: passenger train <<< 列車
旅客輸送: ryokakuyusou: passenger transportation <<< 輸送
旅客名簿: ryokakumeibo: list of passengers
旅客運賃: ryokakuunchin: fare, carfare, coach-fare, passage money <<< 運賃
旅客手荷物: ryokakutenimotsu: traveler's baggage [luggage]
鉄道旅客: tetsudouryokyaku: railway passenger <<< 鉄道
check also


pronunciation: ryokou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: traveling, journey, trip (n.), voyage
旅行する: ryokousuru: travel, trip (v.)
旅行に出かける: ryokounidekakeru: start on a journey, set out on a tour [trip] <<<
旅行から帰る: ryokoukarakaeru: return [come home] from a trip [journey] <<<
旅行中: ryokouchuu: on a journey <<<
旅行人: ryokounin: traveler, tourist <<<
旅行者: ryokousha <<<
旅行記: ryokouki: book of travels <<<
旅行先: ryokousaki: destination, place of one's sojourn <<<
旅行鞄: ryokoukaban: traveling bag, overnight bag <<<
旅行社: ryokousha: travel [tourist] agency <<<
旅行業者: ryokougyousha: travel agent
旅行案内: ryokouannnai: traveler's guide <<< 案内
旅行案内所: ryokouannnaisho: travel agency, tourist bureau <<<
旅行日程: ryokounittei: itinerary
旅行小切手: ryokoukogitte: traveler's check <<< 小切手
一周旅行: isshuuryokou: round trip <<< 一周
講演旅行: kouenryokou: lecture tour <<< 講演
国内旅行: kokunairyokou: inland travel <<< 国内
視察旅行: shisatsuryokou: inspection tour, observation trip <<< 視察
徒歩旅行: tohoryokou: walking tour, hike <<< 徒歩
宇宙旅行: uchuuryokou: space travel <<< 宇宙
火星旅行: kaseiryokou: voyage to Mars <<< 火星
汽車旅行: kisharyokou: train travel <<< 汽車
観光旅行: kankouryokou: sight-seeing tour <<< 観光
見学旅行: kengakuryokou: field (observation) trip <<< 見学
グループ旅行: guruupuryokou: group tour <<< グループ
バス旅行: basuryokou: bus travel <<< バス
check also 観光

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