Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: 携帯 , 契約 , 経由 , 怪我 , 血気 , 欠席 , 見物 , 月給 , 原因 , 幻影


pronunciation: keitai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: communication   
translation: hand-held (n.), carry (n.), transport
携帯の: keitaino: portable, mobile, handheld (a.)
携帯用: keitaiyou <<<
携帯する: keitaisuru: carry (v.), pack (v.)
携帯食: keitaishoku: field ration <<<
携帯品: keitaihin: one's things, carried object <<<
携帯電話: keitaidenwa: cellular phone, mobile phone <<< 電話
携帯番号: keitaibangou: cell [cellphone, mobile] number <<< 番号
携帯電話ゲーム: keitaidenwageemu: mobile game
携帯型ゲーム機: keitaigatageemuki: handheld game console
携帯ラジオ: keitairajio: portable radio <<< ラジオ
携帯テレビ: keitaiterebi: portable television <<< テレビ
携帯ミサイル: keitaimisairu: portable missile <<< ミサイル
携帯メール: keitaimeeru: email by mobile phone <<< メール
プリペイド携帯: puripeidokeitai: prepaid mobile phone <<< プリペイド
アンドロイド携帯: andoroidokeitai: android phone <<< アンドロイド
synonyms: モバイル


pronunciation: keiyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , law   
translation: contract (n.), agreement, deal, covenant
契約する: keiyakusuru: contract (v.), sign, conclude a contract
契約を結ぶ: keiyakuomusubu <<<
契約を守る: keiyakuomamoru: abide by a contract <<<
契約を解く: keiyakuotoku: dissolve a contract <<<
契約を破る: keiyakuoyaburu: break a contract <<<
契約書: keiyakusho: bond, contract (n.) <<<
契約金: keiyakukin: contract money <<<
契約者: keiyakusha: contractor <<<
契約期間: keiyakukikan: period of contract <<< 期間
契約違反: keiyakuihan: breach of contract <<< 違反
契約社員: keiyakushain: contracted employee <<< 社員
契約移民: keiyakuimin: contract immigrants <<< 移民
仮契約: karikeiyaku: provisional agreement <<<
本契約: honkeiyaku: definitive agreement <<<
保険契約: hokenkeiyaku: contract of insurance <<< 保険
口頭契約: koutoukeiyaku: verbal contract <<< 口頭
相続契約: souzokukeiyaku: contract of inheritance <<< 相続
無償契約: mushoukeiyaku: naked [gratuitous] contract <<< 無償
出演契約: shutsuenkeiyaku: booking <<< 出演
一括契約: ikkatsukeiyaku: blanket contract <<< 一括
組合契約: kumiaikeiyaku: contract of partnership <<< 組合
先物契約: sakimonokeiyaku: futures contract <<< 先物
雇用契約: koyoukeiyaku: contract of engagement [employment] <<< 雇用
賃貸契約: chintaikeiyaku: lease [hiring] contract [agreement] <<< 賃貸
売買契約: baibaikeiyaku: bargain, sales contract <<< 売買
企業契約: kigyoukeiyaku: affiliation, intercompany agreement <<< 企業
保証契約: hoshoukeiyaku: contract of suretyship <<< 保証


pronunciation: keiyu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: via, through
経由する: keiyusuru: go by way (of), pass through


pronunciation: kega   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ケガ   keyword: medicine   
translation: injury, wound, hurt, cut, chance, accident
怪我をする: kegaosuru: hurt oneself, get hurt, be injured, cut oneself, be wounded
怪我をさせる: kegaosaseru: injure, hurt, wound, inflict an injury (on)
怪我を負わせる: kegaoowaseru <<<
怪我で: kegade: accidentally, by accident
怪我の: kegano: accidental
怪我の功名: keganokoumyou: Every cloud has a silver lining, chance success, lucky hit, fluke
怪我人: keganin: injured [wounded] person <<<
怪我勝ち: kegagachi: accidental victory <<<
怪我負け: kegamake: accidental defeat <<<
軽い怪我: karuikega: slight injury <<<
大怪我: ookega: serious [heavy] injury <<< , 重傷
手に怪我をする: tenikegaosuru: injure one's hand <<<
check also


pronunciation: kekki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: physical vigor, youthful ardor
血気盛んの: kekkisakannno: hot-blooded, sanguine, lusty <<<
血気盛りだ: kekkisakarida: be in the prime of life, be full of youthful ardor
血気に逸る: kekkinihayaru: be driven by youthful ardor, act with impetuosity <<<


pronunciation: kesseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: absence, nonattendance
欠席する: kessekisuru: be absent, fail to attend
欠席者: kessekisha: absentee <<<
欠席届: kessekitodoke: report [notice] of absence <<<
欠席裁判: kessekisaiban: judgment by default <<< 裁判
無欠席: mukesseki: regular attendance, nonabsence <<<
病気欠席: byoukikesseki: absence due to illness <<< 病気
長期欠席: choukikesseki: long absence from school <<< 長期
無断欠席: mudankesseki: unauthorized absence <<< 無断
無断欠席する: mudankessekisuru: stay away without leave <<< 無断
check also 出席 , 欠勤


pronunciation: kenbutsu, mimono   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show , travel   
translation: sight-seeing, theater-going, play-going
見物する: kenbutsusuru: see, look at [on], watch, visit
見物に行く: kenbutsuniiku: go sight-seeing <<<
見物人: kenbutsunin: visitor, sightseer, spectator, audience, looker-on, by-stander <<<
見物席: kenbutsuseki: seat, stand, box seats, gallery <<<
名所見物する: meishokenbutsusuru: see [do] the sights <<< 名所
芝居見物: shibaikenbutsu: play-going <<< 芝居
check also 観光 , 観劇


pronunciation: gekkyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: monthly salary [pay]
月給が上がる: gekkyuugaagaru: get a raise in one's salary <<<
月給が下がる: gekkyuugasagaru: get a cut in one's salary <<<
月給を取る: gekkyuuotoru: get [receive, draw] a salary <<<
月給で雇われる: gekkyuudeyatowareru: be employed by the month <<<
月給取り: gekkyuutori: salaried man <<<
月給日: gekkyuubi: payday <<<
月給袋: gekyuubukuro: pay envelope <<<
月給泥棒: gekkyuudorobou: those who are not worth their salaries <<< 泥棒
check also 月収 , 給料


pronunciation: gennin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: cause, reason, origin, background
原因する: genninsuru: be caused by, originated from, due to
原因論: genninron: etiology <<<
原因結果: genninkekka: cause and result, causality <<< 結果
原因不明: genninhumei: unknown (inexplicable) cause <<< 不明


pronunciation: gennei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: phantom, vision
幻影の: genneino: hallucinatory, visionary
幻影を追う: genneioou: be lured by an illusion <<<
幻影を抱く: genneioidaku <<<
check also 錯覚

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