Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'all'

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Direct access: 何事 , 入場 , 年中 , 白紙 , 八百 , 八方 , 版権 , 場合 , 万事 , 万能


pronunciation: nanigoto   kanji characters: ,   
translation: what, something, everything, nothing
何事にも: nanigotonimo: in all matters [things]
何事に付け: nanigotonitsuke: in every opportunity <<<
何事ですか: nanigotodesuka: What's the matter? What's going on?
何事も無く: nanigotomonaku: peacefully, without accident, without mishap <<<
何事が有ろうと: nanigotogaarouto: whatever [no matter what] may happen <<<
何事が起ろうと: nanigotogaokorouto <<<


pronunciation: nyuujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , show   
translation: entrance, admission
入場する: nyuujousuru: enter, be admitted (in, into)
入場料: nyuujouryou: admission fee <<<
入場税: nyuujouzei: admission tax <<<
入場券: nyuujouken: entrance [admission] ticket, platform ticket <<<
入場券売場: nyuujoukennuriba: ticket [booking] office <<< 売場
入場者: nyuujousha: visitors, attendance <<<
入場式: nyuujoushiki: opening ceremony <<<
入場随意: nyuujouzuii: free to all
入場無料: nyuujoumuryou: admission free <<< 無料
入場禁止: nyuujoukinshi: No admittance [entrance] <<< 禁止


pronunciation: nenjuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: the whole year, all the year (round), year in, year out, always
年中無休: nenjuumukyuu: open year round [all year]
年中行事: nenjuugyouji: annual functions [events] <<< 行事
check also 毎年


pronunciation: hakushi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: blank paper, white paper
白紙に戻す: hakushinimodosu: begin all over again <<<
白紙に返す: hakushinikaesu <<<
白紙委任: hakushiinin: carte blanche <<< 委任


pronunciation: happyaku   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 800   keyword: number   
translation: eight hundreds, a great number
八百屋: yaoya: vegetable man [store], greengrocer <<<
八百長: yaochou: got-up [put-up] affair <<<
八百長試合: yaochoujiai: fixed [made-up] game [match] <<< 試合
八百長をする: yaochouosuru: fix [prearrange] (a game) <<<
八百万: happyakuman, yaorozu: eight millions, a great number <<<
八百万の神: yaorozunokami: myriad deities, all the gods and goddesses <<<


pronunciation: happou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: all directions, every side, all sides
八方に: happouni: in all directions, on every side, on all sides
八方から: happoukara: from all sides
八方塞: happouhusagari: complete mess, everything goes wrong <<<
八方美人: happoubijin: everybody's friend <<< 美人
八方尾根: happouone: Happo (a Japanese ski resort) <<< 尾根
四方八方: shihouhappou <<< 四方
check also Happo


pronunciation: hanken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: book   
translation: copyright (n.)
版権を得る: hankennoeru: copyright (v.), secure the copyright (for a book) <<<
版権所有: hankenshoyuu: All rights reserved, Copyrighted <<< 所有
版権所有者: hankenshoyuusha: copyright holder <<<


pronunciation: baai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: occasion, time, circumstances, case
の場合には: nobaainiha: in case of, in the event of, on the occasion of
場合に拠っては: baainiyotteha: under certain circumstances, as the case may be <<<
場合に拠り: baainiyori
場合に拠る: baainiyoru: That depends upon circumstances, It all depends
場合に応じて: baainioujite: as the case may be <<<
火急の場合には: kakyuunobaainiha: in an [in case of] emergency <<< 火急
最悪の場合: saiakunobaai: in the worst case <<< 最悪
急用の場合: kyuuyounobaai: in case of emergency <<< 急用
大抵の場合: taiteinobaai: in most case, generally <<< 大抵


pronunciation: banji   kanji characters: ,   
translation: everything, all things, all
万事に: banjini: by any account, from every point of view, in all respects
万事休す: banjikyuusu: It's all over ùp (with one), The game is up <<<
万事宜しく: banjiyoroshiku: See that all is well <<<
check also


pronunciation: bannnou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , religion , biology   
translation: omnipotence
万能の: bannnouno: almighty, omnipotent, all-purpose
万能の神: bannnounokami: Almighty (God) <<<
万能薬: bannnouyaku: panacea, elixir, cure-all <<<
万能選手: bannnousenshu: all-around player <<< 選手
万能細胞: bannnousaibou: ES [embryonic stem] cell <<< 細胞
科学万能: kagakubannnou: almighty science <<< 科学

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