Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'all'

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Direct access: 畢竟 , 一晩 , 一人 , 不安 , 不意 , 風雨 , 無事 , 下手 , 皆様 , 身の上


pronunciation: hikkyou   other spells: 必竟  
translation: after all, eventually, finally, ultimately, in conclusion
synonyms: 結局 ,


pronunciation: hitoban   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: a night, one evening
一晩中: hitobanjuu: all night, all the night through <<<
antonyms: 一日


pronunciation: hitori   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: one person
一人で: hitoride: alone, by oneself
一人で暮らす: hitoridekurasu: live alone, remain single <<<
一人残らず: hitorinokorazu: every one, all together, to the last man, one and all <<<
一人ずつ: hitorizutsu: one at a time, individually
一人一人: hitorihitori
一人当たり: hitoriatari: for each person, per head, per capita <<<
一人っ子: hitorikko: one's only child <<<
一人娘: hitorimusume: one's only daughter <<<
一人息子: hitorimusuko: one's only son <<< 息子
一人部屋: hitoribeya: single room [bedroom] <<< 部屋 , 個室
一人前: ichininmae: one portion, manhood <<<
一人前の: ichininmaeno: grown-up, independent, self-supporting, respectable
一人前に成る: ichininmaeninaru: come of age, become independent <<<
synonyms: 単独 , ソロ


pronunciation: huan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: uneasiness, anxiety, apprehension, (a sense of) insecurity, trepidation, qualm
不安な: huannna: anxious, insecure, precarious, jittery, fidgety
不安に思う: huannniomou: be uneasy [uncertain] (about), be anxious (about) <<<
不安に成る: huannninaru <<<
不安に駆られる: huannnikarareru: be all [in great] anxiety <<<
不安な面持: huannnaomomochi: uneasy look
通貨不安: tsuukahuan: monetary (currency) uncertainty <<< 通貨
政界の不安: seikainohuan: political unrest <<< 政界
synonyms: 心配


pronunciation: hui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: suddenness, unexpectedness, abruptness
不意の: huino: sudden, unexpected, unlooked-for, abrupt
不意に: huini: suddenly, unexpectedly, without previous notice [warning], all of a sudden
不意に訪れる: huiniotozureru: pay (a person) a surprise visit <<<
不意に訪問する: huinihoumonsuru <<< 訪問
不意打: huiuchi: surprise attack, lurch <<<
不意打を食わす: huiuchiokuwasu: take (a person) by surprise, give (a person) a surprise attack <<<
不意打を食う: huiuchiokuu: be taken by surprise, be caught napping [unawares] <<<
check also


pronunciation: huuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: wind and rain, storm
風雨に耐える: huuunitaeru: weatherproof, all-weather <<<
風雨に曝される: huuunisarasareru: be exposed to the weather <<<
風雨に曝された: huuunisarasareta: weather-beaten
風雨を冒して: huuuookashite: through [in the teeth of] the raging storm <<<
風雨注意報: huuuchuuihou: storm warning
check also


pronunciation: buji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security , travel   
translation: safety, peace, good health
無事な: bujina: safe, sound, peaceful, uneventful
無事に: bujini: safely, in safety, in peace, quietly, all right, without accident, without a hitch
無事で: bujide
無事で居る: bujideiru: be (doing) well, live a peace <<<
無事を祈る: bujioinoru: pray for safety <<<
無事を祈ります: bujioinorimasu: Have a good trip! Bon voyage!
無事に暮らす: bujinikurasu: get along well <<<
無事に逃れる: bujininogareru: make good one's escape, save one's skin <<<
無事に着く: bujinitsuku: arrive safely, reach in good condition [order] <<<
無事に到着する: bujinitouchakusuru <<< 到着
無事に解決する: bujinikaiketsusuru: come to a satisfactory conclusion <<< 解決
synonyms: 無傷


pronunciation: heta   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: unskilfulness, mediocrity
下手な: hetana: poor, unskillful, mediocre
下手をやる: hetaoyaru: make a mess of it
下手をすると: hetaosuruto: if you do not take enough care, if you are unlucky
下手に成る: hetaninaru: get out of practice <<<
下手糞: hetakuso: really bad! <<<
下手な考え休むに似たり: hetanakangaeyasumuninitari: it's hard to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one, they to whom only bad ideas come might as well be asleep, inadequate ideas are worse than none at all
下手な鉄砲も数打てば当たる: hetanateppoumokazuutebaataru: even the unskilled can succeed by a fluke given enough tries, even a poor marksman will hit the target with enough shots
演技が下手: engigaheta: be a poor actor, perform badly <<< 演技
着付が下手: kitsukegaheta: dress oneself badly <<< 着付
check also 上手


pronunciation: minasama   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: Ladies and Gentlemen, all of you, everybody
皆様今日は: minasamakonnnichiha: Hello everybody <<< 今日


pronunciation: minoue   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: one's fortune, one's personal history, one's past, one's station in life, one's lot, one's personal affairs
身の上を案じる: minoueoanjiru: be anxious about one's fate <<<
身の上話をする: minouebanashiosuru: tell the story of one's life, tell all about oneself <<<
身の上相談: minouesoudan: consultation on one's personal affairs <<< 相談
身の上相談する: minouesoudansuru: seek a person's advice on one's personal affairs
身の上相談欄: minouesoudanran: home-council [advice] columns <<<
身の上判断: minouehandan: fortunetelling <<< 判断
check also 人生

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